A new step forward

While she was eating, the prince held her hand, the girl frowned and looked at him, "you okay?" he asked,

"Yeah i am fine, why wouldn't i be?" she asked,

"Well after what happened earlier" he said,

"Shush, you do not need to talk about that Cassius" she whispered as she got up from the chair, greet her mom and the boys good night and left to her room.

The prince looked at her as she walked away and smiled. A few minutes after she went to her room, the girl took a bath and changed into her night gown, she then went and sat down in the balcony looking at the stars.

She knew that her feelings were growing for the prince and that scared her more than anything else.

She closed her eyes and some sparkling pink light came from her body, it lit up the balcony and looked beautiful, the prince saw the light and walked into her room, he saw the light in the balcony.

"It looks beautiful" he said,