A warning

The guy in black sat down with her "you don't love him do you?" he asked,

"What's it with you and that question?" she asked,

"I just want to know" he said,

"I do not know how i feel about him" she replied as she got into the water and laid back.

He sat down and looked at how peaceful she was "how can you be so calm?' he asked,

She looked at him "how can you?" she asked,

He smiled wickedly "you will know soon enough" he responded,

"I hope so" she said.

He looked at the girl then his eyes started to glow red, "damn it" he said as his sword came to him,

"You going somewhere?" she asked,

'I cannot leave you and go anywhere even if i wanted to" he responded with a smirk,

"There you go being weird again" she said,

"You are the weird one Octavia, taking a bath in the night, out here" he replied.

She laughed "the water makes you feel peaceful" she said,

"Yeah i know" he replied as he placed his feet in,

"You coming in?" she asked,

"No i am not" he responded,