The new Mariam

After disappearing instead of going back to Silven the girl went in the city of Arcadia and started to live as a normal person who worked in the bakery.

Cassius along with his sister looked for the girl everywhere but could not find her, a month passed and eventually Cassius gave up.

The baker and his wife along with his children knew who the girl was so they allowed her to stay with them.

"My lady can you help me deliver some crossiants?" the woman asked,

She smiled "of course and please just call me Mariam not my lady or Octavia" she said,

"Okay you have to give them to the seamstress" she replied,

"Okay i will go now" she said as she took the basket of things to deliver.

While she was walking the girl noticed some of the soldiers from Margovia passing by so she placed a hood over her head and changed her eyes color.

The guards stopped her and asked her to take off her hood as she did so they did not recognize her and then let her pass.