An unexpected visit

He then raised up "who are you really?" she asked,

He smiled "noticed something?' he asked,

"You always disappear, then you say we have to fight each other, then you are so nice to me, i mean since you are a bad guy you do not need to help me, you can easily kill me" she said,

"You were always a fast learner, well i did promise you that i will show you who i really am so today i will" he replied,

She smiled "okay".

Just when he was about to tell her Cassius came to the lake "hello there" he said,

The girl eyes widened and she transformed into the girl with the mark on her face then stood up and bowed "your highness" she said,

"Oh it's you" he replied,

"Yeah" she said,

"Octavia" he replied,

She turned and looked at him "what?" she asked,

"Have you seen Octavia?" he asked,

"No why would you ask me that?" she asked,

"Probably because you look like a criminal and they way you acted the last time i won't be surprised if you were helping another criminal" he said,