Sibling war

About two hours later while the Emica was serving the customers she started to feel dizzy and collapsed on the floor.

"Emica" Jen screamed and Raiden heard then rushed into the cafe. 

"Emica" he said as both he and Kazuki rushed to her. 

"What happened?" Raiden asked as he lifted her in his arms then took her to the beach house and placed her on the couch. 

"Emica" Kazuki said as he placed his hand on her forehead. 

"She is boiling up, I will call the doctor," Kazuki said and so he did. 

A few minutes the doctor came and gave her an injection. 

"Doctor what's really going on with her?" Jen asked, 

"Her body is going through a lot of changes unlike normal teenagers, she needs to be careful with all of the swing heads," the doctor said as he left a few more tablets for it was her family doctor and Kazuki knew him.