Return of Al

"This is not good, I know Raiden and his anger level is off the chart," she said to herself with a frown, 

"I asked you a question," Raiden said, 

"Why don't you ask babe?" the guy asked, 

'Stop calling her that" Raiden responded as he folded her cuffs. 

"I can call her what I want, who are you to tell me otherwise?" the guy asked and Emica swallowed deeply as James looked at her, 

"This can get bad, please do something, I agree to what my boss is saying trust me it will benefit you" James whispered then the girl sighed and moved Raiden's hand off of her then walked to the guy and the guy held onto her hand, 

'Shall we?" he asked, 

"Yeah" she responded then she walked out of the nightclub with the guy and Raiden's eyes started glowing red in anger.

"Ah what the hell is wrong with me?" she said as her head started hurting, 

"It is your other half, damn it" the guy responded,