Jack the vampire

"What the hell is going on?" Luka asked, 

'Who are those two people?" Scott asked, 

'I do not know, after two years instead of hugging she is pissed, that is not the Emica I knew, she is different" Luka said with a frown, 

"Something must have happened," her father said, 

'Yeah probably or is she angry with us for some reason?" her sister asked, 

"Are you sure nothing odd happened in Shanghai when you were there with her?" Luka asked, 

"That was two years ago man, I am done" he responded then walked away. 

"He is angry at her isn't he?" Scott asked, 

'Yes seems that way, I do not know what either of them is thinking, anyway, we will figure this later, I have to get to a meeting with dad" Luka responded then they all went their separate ways. 

"Are you okay like really?" Snow asked, 

'Yeah I am perfectly fine" Emica responded as they stopped at their new huge white in color beach house.