Chapter 5

After a long time of concentration and perseverance, the first and maybe hardest part of my plan was complete. I managed to get it into the left arm on my straitjacket and the key is now on my left palm. That's good.

I could now feel my entire body so it seems I was right about the food. It makes you numb to your body. Now that the first part was done, the second part began. I started tearing at the fabric, causing a low scratching sound to be heard around the room. It was hard at first but it soon became easier.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up to the door of my room opening. I looked through my long hair and saw three people coming in. One was a man in cleaning clothes and carrying a cleaning bucket with a mop and the other was a woman who looked to be a nurse. The last was a new guard and I saw him carrying a taser gun on his belt.

The woman walked over to me and moved the hair away from my face before shining a small torchlight into my eyes.

"Ok, he is not dead from all the beating he got from that guard." The nurse said and wrote something down before looking at my face. "Hmm. It seems like the rumored is true. His regeneration is indeed fast. Well, I would be coming back tomorrow. You, clean this place well, and before you leave, inspect if everything is well with the straitjacket." The female nurse said to the cleaner before walking out of the room with the guard.

Through the cleaning, the cleaner didn't say anything, even a single hum. After he was finished, he looked around at my straitjacket before noticing a little torn part of the straitjacket that was hidden.

Seeing this, he looked up at me and I stared into his eyes, warning him not to say anything. Shrugging, he stood up and went over to the door before bringing out a card from his pocket and scanning it on the door. The door swung open and he walked out, not looking back, the door closing behind him.

If he tells about the ripped part I may be put to sleep and changed. No, that can't happen. I need to hurry it up before the people come and change me. Who knows how I would escape then.

I quickly started widening the hole before my entire palm can fit through. I then started ripping away at the straitjacket more and after some hours, my left hand was completely free. Good.

It became easier to free my right and in no time, it was also free. I then tried to use the key to unlock the lock holding me to the chair and it worked. I unlocked myself before standing up and fully removing the straitjacket.

I did some stretches and felt a bit taller. Looking down on my shirtless body, I saw I had dark skin with a muscular defined body and a six-pack. I flexed my muscles and felt power flowing through my body. Strength I have never felt before. I was way stronger than my past self.

I flexed my body some more, happy at the strength of this body, and my goal of escaping became easier. I then stretched some more before sitting back on the chair, waiting for the door to open. This will be a long boring wait.

Seeing that no one has come, it seems like the cleaner didn't tell anyone. Good for him. I looked at the door of the room and kept waiting.

I almost fell asleep one time but forced myself to wake up before doing one lap around the room, slapping my face then leaning on the wall beside the door, and kept waiting.

This happened some more time and every time, I would slap myself awake and do one lap around the room.

I had to stay awake, my plan will start as soon as the door open. I stood beside the door for more hours before I heard a small squeak coming from the door and immediately jolted awake.

The door was opening and it was time to get on with my escape.