Chapter 12

Batman as Bruce Wayne was sitting in his office in the Wayne mansion while watching the surveillance footage of the month Rick Brandon had been in the asylum while taking note of those who entered his room. He suddenly stopped and reversed the footage before zooming in.

"He lost fours of his fingers after coming out of the room. What happened in there? A surveillance carmen really should be installed in every room." Bruce said tapping the table. He suddenly noticed something and else. "The baton... Has blood... Oh no."

Bruce's chair suddenly moved underground and Bruce now Batman quickly moved to his batmobile and jumped inside.

"Batman, where are you going? Can I come with you..." Batgirl, also known as Barbara Gordon, asked, seeing Batman enter his batmobile.

"No. Stay with her and provide backup if I ask for one." Batman said cutting her off as he started the Batmobile. "Don't follow me," Batman said one last word before the Batmobile zoomed out of the Batcave.

"Gloomy old man." Batgirl whispered seeing Batman leave without her.

Batman was zooming through the streets, ignoring traffics and swerving through cars as many thoughts and possibilities played through his mind.

"Batman, where are you going in such a hurry?" Batgirl said through a speaker.

"Nowhere. Don't distract me and standby in the Batcave." Batman said as he ignored a red traffic light and kept moving at the same speed.

"You are not fun." Batgirl said and she spoke no more.

Batman reached where he was rushing to and parked his Batmobile in a dark ally before using the Batrope to get on top of a building and brought out a black advance looking binocular and looking at a building across from him.

The house was quiet and looked alright from the outside but he knew something was wrong and his gut was right. The door opened and a tall muscular man wearing a black tracksuit came out of the building and looked over to batman.

Batman removed the binocular and stared back at the man. "Rick..." He murmured, reaching toward his utility belt.

The man murmured something before his body started vibrating and purple lightning sparked around his body. His eyes glowed red and he grinned at Batman, showing his razor-sharp tooth before he zoomed down the street as a trail of purple lightning.

"...Is it me or is he faster?" Batman said, looking at Rick run away. He didn't bother giving chase as he knew he wouldn't catch up so he turned and faced the house Rick came put from.

He jumped off the building he was standing on and glided to the front door of the house. Once he landed, a strong stench of blood abused his nose but this didn't bother him as he is used to this kind of thing and walked into the house.

His attention was drawn to a man kneeling in the middle of the hallway and intestinal warped around his neck. Batman cautiously walked up to the man and the... thing... lying dead in front of him came into view causing him to step back instinctively.

Batman looked at the man once more before looking around and spotted a surveillance camera overseeing the hallway. "Batgirl, do you copy?"

"Yesh." Batgirl said with a mouthful of something.

"What are you... Haa. I want you to hack all the surveillance cameras in this house. Do not watch the surveillance. I am warning you to do not..."

"Yeah, yeah. I won't." Batgirl said, going offline.

Batman looked at the man once more before doing a quick investigation in the house. When he got to the bathroom, he saw a long strand of hair in the shower and immediately knew it was Rick's own as the guys and wife have brown hair.

Batman took the hair and put it inside a glass cylinder before walking to the living room and using the home phone to call the police. He then walked toward the man and looked at him.

"Get well." Batman quickly left and entered the Batmobile and drove away and he heard the police siren.

Batman drove into the Batcave and saw Batgirl throwing up into a bucket. Once he saw this, he knew what happened. "I told you not to watch the surveillance tape. So why did you watch it?" Batman said, walking toward batgirl.

"I was curious." Batgirl said cleaning her mouth before holding her stomach and boarding again.

"Are you ok?" Batman asked, patting her back.

"Yes." She said, sitting down on the chair. "Was that the man you told us to look out for? We need to do something to stop him.

"Go and rest, we will talk about this tomorrow with all the bat family here." Batman said looking at her.

"...Ok." Batgirl said, standing up and walking away.

After she left and Batman made sure he is alone, he started watching all the surveillance footage from when rick came in and left. The hallway one, living room, kitchen, bathroom, all of the surveillance.

After watching, it, Batman removed his mask and sighed hard, massaging his temple. "A sociopath who is insane to the core has appeared in Gotham. He is even as worse or worse than Joker." Batman said as he brought up secret files after going through many security. The files read:


[Superman(Man of Steel)]

[Revers Flash(Time Traveler)(Immortal?)]

[Joker( The Joker)]

[Green Lantern(Ring power)]

[Flash(The first Speedster)]

[Rick Brandon(Cannibal Speedster)]

[Harley Queen(Joker Queen)]

[Green Arrow(Vigilante)]


Batman clicked Rick's file and started editing his file.

[Name(Real): Rick Brandon]

[Alias: Rick the cannibal]

[DOB: December 17th, 1967]

[Age: 46]

[Power(S): Super Speed, Super strength, Super regeneration, Nameless Power.]

"What is that power that powers him up after eating raw human? He grew more muscular and taller. I really need a blood sample." Batman mumbled to himself and kept typing away on his computer.

He spent a long time editing the file he has of Rick from the new information he got before sitting back on his chair. "More crimes like the one this evening will be showing up more. I need more information about Rick and I need to stop him before he causes more death. I need his blood for the test, his hair won't do. The question is, how do I get it..."