Chapter 15

"Of course it won't be." Mister freeze said, looking at me. "Did you expect me to just follow you to Penguin and let him kill me? Not until I complete my goal."

I didn't say anything and with a quick burst of speed, I appeared in front of him and punched him hard on his stomach, sending him flying many meters back.

I didn't stop and ran to him, who was laying on the ground then, punched down the same spot. Before my fist could connect, he pointed his gun at me and shot a beam of ice at me, which pushed me back, freezing my right shoulder.

Mister freeze stood up then shot another ice beam which created a big ice wall and froze me within it.

"I will kill you then hunt down and kill Penguin for trying to kill me." Mister freeze said, pointing the ice gun at me who was encased within the ice.

I looked at the ice beam slowly moving toward me before vibrating my body at super speed, causing the ice to melt before I ran out the way. I move around the lobby of the Penitentiary as a blur as mister freeze unsuccessfully tried to freeze me multiple times.

I ran up to him and punched him as hard as I could in his stomach, throwing back many meters and causing him to cough out blood, staining the glass visor on his mask red.

"I don't want to kill you as I have something for you to do for me." I said, still vibrating my body to keep warm as all the ice caused the lobby temperature to drop.

"I won't make anything for you or Penguin anymore after he lied about having a cure for Nora." Mister freeze said, standing up while holding his stomach.

I sighed before dashing toward him. Mister freeze pointed his gun to the ground and froze it, causing me to slip and fall face-first into the ice.

'Oh, no.' I thought as I slid to the feet of Mister freeze who had his ice gun pointed at my head.

"You may be fast but I am smarter." He said.

As he was about to pull the trigger, something flew and hit the gun off his hand, making me release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Batman!" Mister Freeze shouted, looking at the Batman standing by the door of the Penitentiary.

I quickly vibrated at super-speed my body, melting the ice below me before standing up and looking at mister freeze who was now running to pick up Batman. I quickly leaped toward the ice gun and picked it up before mister frost could then point it at him and shot.

A beam of ice came out and froze mister freeze where he was before I pointed the gun to Batman who was no more there. I looked around before I saw a Batarang coming toward me. I easily dodged it but when it got close to me, it beeped then exploded, releasing a green gas that made me sleepy after inhaling a little bit of it.

I dropped the ice gun and fell on my knee, everything going blurry. Batman landed in front of me with a gas mask on then kicked me hard across my face before picking me up and slamming me on the wall.

"You will pay for what you did." He said before punching me in my face.

I knew if I didn't do something, I will fall asleep and who knows what will happen to me so I bit hard down with my razor-sharp teeth on my tongue, biting it off. A rush of pain went through mt body, awakening me.

Batman saw what happened and quickly step back to gain distance between us before I could punch him. I looked up at him and saw him throw three more Batarang at me. Purple lightning appeared around my body and my eyes before I ran toward Batman my speed instant entering the Mach 1, sending a wave of air out, pushing all the green gas, Batman and his Batarang away and also shattering the ice that held mister freeze.

"Let's end this." I said, appearing in front of Batman.