Chapter 75

Looking at Felicia, Carnage couldn't help but chuckle, the chuckle turned into a loud laugh which then turned into a crazed laugh.

"You think you are Flawless? Hahaha!!!" Carnage said, in between laughter, causing Felicia to become confused. "You are not flawless. You just went through your first Evolution and you think you are flawless!? I have evolved three times and I don't dare bost I am flawless. HAHAHA!!" He asked, still laughing.

"Why don't you think so?" Felicia asked, tilting her head.

"First off, you didn't notice you were talking to a time remnant the whole time." Carnage said, spreading his arm wide open and grinning.

Another Carnage suddenly appeared behind Felicia, his hand inside her head, grabbing her brain. This shocked Felicia as she didn't sense anything. As she was about to a hoot fire out of her palm at the Carnage behind her, he said,

"Don't try it. I am faster than you in every possible way, except maybe our thinking speed. My point is, I can kill you in an instant." The Carnage behind her said, trying not to laugh.

"How!? Since when!?" Felicia asked, fear accumulating within her.

"Since when I destroyed the skyscraper. I created a time remnant and turned into a fly, waiting to see how things will play out." The original Carnage, the one behind her, said. "Other me, you can go now."

"Dues." The time remnant said, dropping to the floor and disappearing into the horizon as a red streak.

"Please, spare me. I was just looking around, trying to see if you were still strong. I mean, if I could beat you, how should I expect you to protect me." Felicia said, saying the best excuse she could. "It was all a test, Carnage."

"Seeing you like this reminds me of the past me. 2 years ago, I got speed. Thought I was a god and got fucked up by Black mask and Stone Mask. I pleaded for my life just as you are doing now and got away with it. You? You will die today." Carnage said as he slowly started squeezing her head. "I liked you better when you were powerless. You were like an ant trying its best to survive in a world full of giants. You used not only your intelligence but your wisdom. And now? You have become one the smartest being in the universe but still lost to me, a mere mortal. You gained almost omniscience power but in return, you lost your wisdom. What is the point of having intelligence if you don't know how to use it?"

"I have a lot of knowledge. I could support you! I am smart Carnage. Don't do this!" Felicia stated, becoming more desperate. "I can tell you what race you should eat to get rid of your weakness to fire, help you find immortality or the best magic."

"Hahaha. I suddenly remember something my mother told me." Carnage said, getting a flashback of his original mother. "Even though I never like her, she did teach me a good lesson. She once said, 'Intelligence is not about learning from your mistake but learning from others' mistakes.' I learned from my mistake of overestimating myself but instead of you learning from mine, you fucked up and now you are learning from yours. Not that it will matter anyway."

Carnage slowly started squeezing as Felicia screamed in horror and kept begging for him to spare her. Her scream was like a machine malfunctioning, rigged, and ear-piercing. like Not caring, he kept squeezing, a smile creeping up to his face.

"Hahaha! I won't die alone Carnage. We are going together!" Felicia shouted, her voice cracking. Grabbing hold of Carnage's body, who looked at her with a frightened face, she grinned. "Self-destruct. Better start running" Her chest opened up and a bright white plasma core floated out it getting hotter and hotter.

Seeing this, Carnage phased through her grip, landed on the ground, and took off in a red streak just as the explosion went off. The explosion was fast and even when running at his max speed, which is now mach 397, the explosion slowly caught up to him.

'That is plasma. It will disintegrate me once it touches me. I have a spare body part in the ocean and Gotham, but why let myself die so easily?' Carnage thought, increasing his speed farther, the explosion a hair breath away from him.

Claws grew on his right hand and he stuck it into his chest, brought out his heart, wrapped lighting around it, and then threw it forward the way he normally throws lighting bolt, the heart flew hundreds of miles away as the explosion consumed him. The heart far away quickly grew into Carnage as he continued running like he never stopped, finally escaping the blast range.

This all happened in a little over 5 seconds. In one second the core grew into a white ball of plasma, and disintegrate everything in a 100 miles radius. Within this, everyone is just gone. During the following 4 seconds, the explosion kept expanding until it finally slowed to a stop after destroying everything in a 400-mile radius.

The explosion was big enough to be seen from space and it sent a tumor through the continent of North America. The entire Missouri state and many other nearby states were wiped out the face of the planet, leaving a wide crater, more than 800 miles across.

"What was that?" Batman muttered, felling the tumor. He was in a different costume and except for his utility belt, there are no signs of the classic blue, yellow, or other highlight colors we are used to seeing on the Batsuit. Just black on grey on more black.

A woman suddenly grabbed his neck and pulled him out of the way of a Parademon attack. She was in a costume that is mostly made up of the classic leotard. The torso is red, but the bottom is blue with a turtle neck and thigh-high boots. She wore a blue sleeve on both arms, with a bracelet made of an unknown material, and held a sword with a golden lasso around her waist.

"Focus warrior! You are in a battle!!" She said, looking at him before running off to go attack a Parademon.

"Don't worry Batman. It was probably one of those Darkseid towers." Flash said with superspeed before running off to punch a Parademon multiple times on its chest.

"I doubt that." Batman muttered, jumping out the way of a Parademon flame breath.

Somewhere in the sewers of Gotham City, a blue streak flashed as Carnage appeared.

"That crazy bitch. She was aiming to take me with her but failed. At least she helped me break into Mach 500. I guess being chased by something faster than you or chasing something increases your speed faster." Carnage said, turning back into his original form. "Now that is taken care of, I need to get to Apokolips to get as much information as I can. Now that Felicia is gone, things will be harder."

With a red streak, Carnage appeared on the surface of Gotham City, seeing many Parademon flying around. He then transformed into a weak-looking human male, zoomed to the fire station, and put on a fire suit, before running into the open. A Parademon came down and grabbed him, carrying him away. He was going to use this Parademon to enter Apokolips. When Felicia told him these Parademons planned to capture and repurpose organic beings, he already came up with an idea of how to enter Apokolips if Felicia's plan failed and that was to get captured by them.

'If I can, I should find one of those Mother Box and bring it back with me. It will be of great use. After I get back, I should create a full fireproof bodysuit to counter my weakness. I also need to spend some time settling down and master my powers, especially the speed force. I don't think I am using it to the full extent. I should also create a C-2, a better version of C-1. Hmm, I wonder where C-1 is.' Carnage thought as he was carried into the wormhole. "...something just doesn't feel right with Felicia self-destruct. She knows I can go into the speed force if I wanted, to escape the blast range but she still chose to self-destruct..."

"She was going to die anyway so she might as well try her best." Carnage concluded. "But for some reason, I keep feeling that something is not right..."