Chapter 45

The Colosseum became quiet after witnessing what happened. C-1 calmly pulled her hand out of his chest, still holding his heart and pushing him back. He fell and she raised his heart in the air.

"Looks like The heartless man is now heartless." She said, her voice echoing through the Colosseum.

The Colosseum became crazy with cheer while shouting her name, Ruby. I looked at this and sighed.

"Boring." I said, standing up.

"What did you say?" A man shouted, turning around. He saw me and instantly shouted, "CARNAGE!!!"

People started screaming, trying to run out of the Colosseum but I was next to the only entrance and exit. C-1 looked up at me before shouting, her voice overshadowing the thousand of people shouting.

"Don't be scared. We can beat him. No matter how strong he is, he is still one man and we are thousands. When he dies here, you won't be scared of sleeping, in fear of him killing you in your sleep." C-1 shouted, grinning at me. "Kill him!"

"Wait, I don't want to kill. You all know for damn sure I can kill all of you in one second, so don't try it. Let's all have fun." I said, my voice echoing through the now quiet colosseum, "I will fight the champion, C-1. The King of Kree and Vs the first Kree. It will be interesting so you can stay if you want but either way, C-1, let's fight."

I grinned before removing my lab coat and throwing it at the still knocked out Ivy then removed my black shirt, my fit and muscular body in full display. I dropped my shirt on the ground before jumping from my position and landing on the ring with a loud boom, creating a small crater.

"C-1, you want to be free right? Out of my control? So if you beat me, I will let you run free and do whatever you want, but if I win, you will still be under my control." I said while doing some little stretching.

"It is Ruby." C-1 said, dropping the heart in her hand and facing me. "I will kill you Carnage."

"Let's start the 30..."

"Skip that, to the real battle." I said, grinning. 'Let's see the Kree limit.'

"Carnage, Gotham Maniac, Vs Ruby, The Champion." The announcer announced. "Begin!"

-Third POV-

Carnage and C-1 disappeared from their spot and appeared in the middle of the colosseum, their fist colliding at full force, ricocheting back, a wave of air going out before a wide crater formed below them.

They both grinned and punched with their other fist at each other, the fist colliding again, the crater becoming wide. Their fist kept flying and colliding at each other, the coliseum shaking from the force of their fist.

"Oh shit, get out if you want to live." The announcer shouted into the mic before running toward the only door out of the coliseum without going into the ring.

"Get out my way!"

"Fuck! You slow little shit!"

People screamed, crowding toward the only door, as they can't. The coliseum started shaking more, the walls cracking, and the walls shaking. The audience started running, tripping over each other. Ivy who just woke up was kicked hard on her face, knocking her cold again.

Carnage dodged the C-1 punch and grabbed the hand before throwing her at the wall. C-1 hit the wall, creating a big crater then Carnage appeared in front of her, punching hard at her stomach.  

Before his fist could hit, C-1 quickly rolled to the side, Carnage's fist hitting the wall and causing it to start collapsing. She quickly grabbed his hand and punched as hard as she could at his jaw, sending him flying many meters into the air.

Without stopping, she jumped up, appearing above Carnage, clasping her hands together, and slammed down at his back. He shot down like a bullet, slamming into the ground, creating a crater wider than the colosseum, causing it to crash down completely.

Carnage who was in the middle of the crater, stood up and grabbed a huge stone, more than four-time bigger than him, and launched it toward C-1 who was in the air.

She easily punched the stone into pieces but Carnage appeared out of those pieces and punched her on her stomach, sending her higher into the air. He then jumped off a piece of the stone and appeared above C-1, doing the same thing she did to him, clasping her hands together and slamming it onto her back.

She flew down, slamming into the ground but Carnage didn't stop there. Kicking the air, he shot down, flipping in the air, and landing hard on C-1's back.

The ground rippled like a stone being dropped into the water before the ground caved into itself, the crater expanding more than 300 meters wide.

Carnage kept punching her back, his fist moving with the power capable of bringing down a building, burying her head into the ground.

After half a minute, he stopped and looked down to see her back completely crushed, separating the top from the bottom.

"You should regenerate in no time. As I said, when you are coming home, bring me a metahuman." Carnage said, looking around at the destroyed area. "Well shit. Now how can I find Ivy? Or is she dead?"