Chapter 78

For the past month, Carnage also hasn't been sitting ideal. After he got the arm for Cyborg, he immediately went to a random rehearse center, bring out the Mother Box from the hand, and threw the arm into the ocean. Though he would have taken it to use as an experiment, he decided against it knowing that they will be able to track it.

He then decided to set up a base in the South Pole, the colder of the two poles. This place was the best choice because it was the safest against fire as it was hard for fire to ignite in such a cold environment and because it was the most secluded place.

His base, like the Justice League's new headquarters, was built inside a mountain that looked like a volcano. He thought it was one before but after his daughter's investigation, it turned out it was just shaped like one. The top was wide open so it was easy to access but he didn't pay much attention to that for the time being.

First, he filled the place with, experimentation equipment for biochemistry, chemistry, and gadgetry. Seeing as he had the Mother Box now, he had to get into Gadgetry to be able to understand it, though he hasn't been able to find a way to operate it.

As for his weakness to fire, he found a way to counter that. After a month of restless work, he finally created something he calls, second skin. It is a thin layer of transparent skin that is placed across his skin, making it seem like it was skin. They are extremely elastic so it won't tear if he transforms. Places like his eyes or inside his mouth were not covered by this skin.

The special effect of the skin is that it had extreme burn resistance, which he tested by throwing a piece into a lava pit. Not only that, it can absorb shockwaves, store them, and it can be sent back however Carnage want.

"The next experiment I should work on should be my brain. Giving myself perfect memories." Carnage said, soaking in a pool of hot lava, not to test the ability of the second skin but to show himself how he has easily countered his weakness. "I have been thinking of doing this for a long time but the fear of destroying my brain stopped me from doing it but now, It is entirely possible. My super speed gives me enhance cognition and quick thinking and memories. I can still forget things. With perfect memories, everything WILL be different."

Carnage zoomed to the top of Volcano he was in, which was located somewhere in Africa, his skin morphing and changing into black combat pants, a gray polo shirt, and black combat boots. Looking up at the beaming sun, Carnage smiled.

"One problem was taken care of and many more to go. And not only that but my Speed Force training also cane out a success."

With speed force enhanced brain, multitasking wasn't a problem. While working on the Mother Box, the second skin, he also trained his speed. Through this training, he tapped into one of the Speed Force special power, Temporal regression.

While running, just like time travel, he can slow down the time around him while being completely unaffected. After a future test, he noted that the Temporal regression range is not as wide as the entire planet and only ranges up to 10 miles.

"Time to recruit the first member of the Injustice League, Alexander Luthor." Carnage mumbled, disappearing in a red streak.

Alexander Luthor was the first person to come to his mind after thinking of the group he was trying to create because he was one if not, the smartest man on earth. His intelligence helps him fight against Superman and win some of the time, though most of the time he uses Kryptonite.

He needed another smart brain to work with because as they say, two heads are better than one. Lex is also more experienced in alien tech, so he will be a great help in operating the Mother Box.

On the top floor of a 96-story L-shaped building that towered above the Metropolis, Lex Luther can be seen, looking over Metropolis with a smile on his face while drinking wine. The room was a big office, with only one table and chairs for him so if anyone comes to visit him will have to stand.

"Alexander Joseph Luthor, it is nice to finally meet you." A voice said, bringing Lex back to reality.

Turning around, he saw a tan-skin big bulky man with red eyes, short black hair, donned in black combat pants, a gray polo shirt, and black combat boots. He was standing across the table, smiling with his arm folded.

"Rick Brandon is good to meet you too." Lex said, walking up to his chair and sitting. Dropping his wine glass, he locked his fingers and asked with a calm tone, "So, what your reason for visiting me?"

"I am here to ask you to join a group I will be creating, the Injustice League." Carnage answers before asking.

"And for what reason should I join? And please don't tell me you will kill me because that won't work." Lex said, twirling the glass cup as the wine within it spins.

"No, I won't threaten you. Just think of it, Lex, we will work together to achieve each other goals-"

"I don't need help." Lex said, cutting of Carnage.

"Hehehe, you do." Carnage said, not at all angered at being cut off. "The heroes are banding up to create the Justice League. Do you think you will still be able to stand on your own? Soon, the LexCorp you built will come tumbling down and you will find yourself lost at what to do. A new age is coming and the age of solo players is coming to an end."

"I can handle myself, Rick, I need no help." Lex said, not bothered by what Carnage said.

"You aren't seeing the bigger picture. Do you think you will keep getting your fake wins against Superman? The Justice League Will come after you." Carnage said, emphasizing the will. "The Injustice League will bring strong villains together as a protection racket, helping each other with our selfish desire. You will have me to call when you are in danger and I will have you to call when I need brains. We will be like bees in a beehive each working differently towards the same goal."

"Yours is the domination of Earth and the Universe in the future and mine... Perfect Immortality. Our common goal? Our survival." Carnage said, turning around and walking towards the door. "Think of it, Lex. Think." With a red flash, Carnage disappeared from the room.

Lex sat still, thinking of what Carnage said before smirking, "Injustice League... Nice name."