Chapter 52

C-1 and I got back, and quickly took a bath before I changed into clean pants and a shirt. C-1 immediately went to sleep and I went to the front yard where Ivy was trying to connect to the Green.

"Do you know how long it took me to find all the body parts that you guys spread around the city during your fights? 2 minutes!" Carnage 2.0 shouted, looking at me.

"Oh, you collected them? Thanks. Can't have Batman investigating them." I said, sticking up a thumb to him.

"I also wiped the blood clean using a chemical I quickly put together. None of your DNA are spread around the city now." He said, sighing. "Next time you want to fight, go do it in the desert or something. I came here to have fun not play Butler."

"No one is stopping you. Go slaughter a country or something." I said nodding. "But, you did a really good job erasing all of our blood and DNA. I will pay you 3 million later."

"Don't play with me." He said, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled looking over to Ivy. I knew the portal will soon open, so I and Carnage 2.0 got ready to run in.

Soon, a green portal the shape of an upright rhombus opens up, and unknown energy pouring out. All the plants in the guarding got to their best condition, the part C-1 destroyed growing new plants.

"Amazing. What is this?" Ivy asked, looking into the portal like it was something she was missing all along.

Carnage 2.0 and I said nothing and immediately ran in, appearing watching a big green and lush forest. There was no sign of life around, except the plants. A low hum echoed through the forest, coming from the trees like they were communicating with each other.

"I fell completed." Ivy said, walking beside us. "This is where I belong..."

"Yeah yeah, tell us what the trees are saying." Carnage 2.0 said, looking at Ivy.

"They said, 'Intruders, what is your purpose in entering the Green.'" Ivy said, walking up to a tree and touching it. "I don't know how I know that."

"It makes sense that you will understand them. Ask them how to gain harmony with the Green. If it is like the speed force, we should gain the power to control plants."

She made some weird noise before looking over at us. "They said they won't allow you guys."

"Is that so~?" I said, red lightning crackling around my body.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Carnage 2.0 asked, purple lightning flashing around his body.

"Wait, let me speak to them," Ivy shouted, putting her hand out. "Don't do nothing to them."

"Huh? We were just going to investigate this realm. Getting the power to control the plant is not our top priority right now." I said, looking at Ivy with a confused face.

"Investigating here and finding a way to enter here at any time is our top priority." Carnage 2.0 continued after me. "What were you thinking we were going to do?"

She became flustered, blushing hard. "Nothing..." She said in a low voice.

"Uh-hu. Let's go. Arrive back here in an hour or two." I said, zooming away with a red trail, Carnage going somewhere else.

I ran through the Green for about an hour. Everything was green. I didn't really find anything interesting so I decided to go back to the spot where we arrived.

"An avatar of the Speed force. What is your purpose in the green?" A female voice said right in his next ear.

I quickly dashed away as a red blur, appearing many miles away, breathing heavily. "That scared me." I said, looking around. "Who was that? How didn't I notice the person sneaking up to me?"

"Because I am everywhere." The female voice said, again next to his ear.

This time I didn't get spooked and looked around, "Who are you?"

"I am The Green. The power of organic life. It is nice to see one of the cosmic force avatars here in my realm." The voice said as the tree in front of me started twisting and turned into a tree woman.

[Sorry, I can't describe her, so here is her image]

"What do you want from me." I asked, red lightning flashing around me, ready to fight.

"Don't worry, Avatar of the Speed Force. I am not here to hurt you, rather I am here to ask you for a favor." The woman said, looking at me with her green eyes.

"State your request." I said, not letting my guard down.

"You came in here with one of my future Avatar to protect the earth, who will replace Swamp thing after he becomes one of the Parliament of Trees. Her name is Pamela Isley as you already know." The woman said, still looking at me in the eyes making me somehow uneasy.

I have never been the one to be uneasy when someone is staring at me in the eyes, so this was surprising. I felt like I was standing in front of the Speed Force again. Knowing I had no power against it.

"I want you to keep her safe until that time comes." The woman continued.

"This is more like a demand. What is in for me?" I asked, feeling my connection to the speed force and ready to run into it if I get attacked. Though I am confident with my speed and strength, this woman was practically a God in this realm and I knew that messing with her will be the end of me.

"Just as you have the connection to the speed force, you will have one with me, allowing you the power of Chlorokinesis. If she lives till she becomes an avatar, I will let you permanently have a connection to me." The woman said, lending her hand to me, "Do you agree?"

'Should I?' I thought, looking at her hand. 'I mean, I will gain a new power, getting me closer to the strength of a God and all I have to do is keep Ivy alive.'