Chapter 61

He flew away with a loud boom, and after a few seconds, Carnage could see superman flying toward him before stopping many meters away.

"I don't know what hole you crawled out from, but where you came from... I am sending you back." Superman said, looking at Carnage with a serious face.

"Oh really? I would like to see you try." Carnage said, grinning. 'This is a losing fight but I can always escape when things get too serious so let's test how strong the man of Steel is.'

Superman shot toward him and tried to punch Carnage, but he quickly dodged it, causing the shockwave of the punch to shatter all the mirrors in the skyscraper he was standing on, and punched at Superman with all his might, throwing him to the highway creating a wide crater. Jumping off the skyscraper side, he shot down towards Superman, landing on top of him. Looking down at Superman, Carnage grinned and started throwing a barrage of punches at him, digging Superman more into the ground.

These punches dealt little to no damage to Superman and he grabbed Carnage fist, slamming him on the ground before flying up and shooting down at Carnage. Before Superman could hit him on the ground, Carnage quickly dashed away, dodging it.

"He is more durable than I thought." Carnage mumbled, looking at Superman stand up from the rubbles, no injuries from him. "This should be obvious for him being known as the strongest being on Earth."

They stared at each other for a while before dashing forward, their first colliding in the middle. A strong shockwave shot out, shattering all the glass and pushing the rubble and cars away. The fist Carnage punched with was destroyed but it healed soon after, so he punched up at Superman's jaw, who shrugged it off like it was nothing and shot a red laser beam at him.

Carnage quickly dodged the beam, clenched his fist, and slammed it into Superman's chest, sending him flying back into a store, destroying the wall. Not wanting to give him the chance to stand up, Carnage dashed toward him but a beam shot out the rubble, causing him to dodge, giving Superman the chance to stand up and fly toward him.

Grabbing Carnage by his left arm, he lifted him in the air and started slamming him on the ground. Vibrating his hand at super speed, Carnage stabbed it toward Superman's chest but he quickly let go of Carnage and flew back. Floating in the air, he watched Carnage regenerate all the injuries in his body.

'Well damn. None of my attacks have dealt damage to him. Should I run? No, I should find a chance to take a bite from him. What will happen to me if I do?' Carnage thought getting excited as he cracking his neck before dashing away in a red streak, Superman following right behind him.

Stopping abruptly, Carnage grabbed a car and threw it toward Superman in the air but the car was flung away with a casual swing of his arm. Picking up a long truck on the side of the road, with the driver still in it, Carnage slammed it down on Superman, successfully bringing him to the ground. He continuously slammed the truck at Superman In the ground before it exploded.

Within the flames and smoke, Superman clapped, a powerful sonic boom exploring out, causing Carnage to slide back some meters. The sonic clap was powerful enough to be heard across the city. Shooting forward, he grabbed Carnage and threw him thousand of feet into the air, then superman quickly flew towards him and punched him back down.

Carnage flew through a skyscraper-like it was made of toothpicks, breaking it in half. Superman saw this and used his x-ray vision to check if anyone is inside. Seeing multiple people inside the falling top half of the skyscraper he quickly flew and held it up. He then slowly brought it down but as he was about to land, Carnage kicked the back of his leg, causing him to trip and the skyscraper comes crashing down on him.

A huge dust storm rose as Carnage appeared some meters away from the crash site with a red streak, looking at it. He saw movement in the rubble, seeing Superman coming out the top. Dashing forward, he appeared in front of Superman and punched but it was surprisingly dodged and Superman counted with a stronger punch on Carnage's jaw.

This caused him to shoot into the sky like a bullet, tearing through the dark clouds that covered Gotham as he kept flying upward, into the atmosphere. Crouching down, Superman shot upward with a sonic boom, appearing in front of Carnage and punched again connecting to his stomach.

Ignoring the punch with shattered all his ribs, Carnage grabbed Superman's cape and started spinning him in the air, before throwing Superman down. Kicking the air, he also shot down, punching Superman in his abdomen, increasing Superman falling speed. He kept repeating this and any time he sees Superman about to regain control and fly, he unleashes barrages of punches.

Due to their falling speed, heat started building up and fire appeared around them, causing them to look like a comet. They flew through the clouds, the clouds parting, allowing the sun to shine down on Gotham for the first time after many years.

When they were reaching close to the ground, Carnage quickly curled up into a ball, protecting his head, as they collided with the ground. A soundless shockwave shot out, a wave of hot energy following after. Skyscrapers were ripped off their foundation due to the wave of energy, trees snapped like toothpicks, as humans were thrown around like a grain of sand in a tornado. Millions of people died due to this destruction.

The aftermath of this fall left a wide area destroyed, a wide three-ring crater forming. Standing up and looking down at Superman, the sun beaming down at both of them through the parted clouds, Carnage noticed that the only damage caused by the fall was a little blood falling down the side of his mouth.

"Ok, this is just too much." Carnage said, dodging superman punch, appearing many meters away.

Red lightning crackled around his body as he appeared in front of Superman, punching him a thousand times before he had time to blink. Superman tried to catch Carnage but he was too fast and the thousand of punch Carnage delivered started showing effect.

Taking in a deep breath, Superman shot out an ice-cold breath at the ground, freezing it, causing Carnage to lose control and tumble to the ground. Flying toward him, Superman punched down, his hand moving through Carnage due to him vibrating his body.

"What the-" Superman mumbled, shocked at what he just witnessed before Carnage quickly grabbed his hand and took a big bite from it.

'My teeth aren't sharp enough.' Carnage thought, receiving a heavy punch from Superman, making him stagger back. 'I need to take a bite...'

Cranage thought, looking at Superman slowly walking towards him. Suddenly remembering something, Carnage grinned and sped away, Superman following right behind him. Sporting many miles away from where Batman was working on something that looked like a cannon, Carnage used his super-speed to go through his belt.

"Are you planning on holding him hostage?" Superman asked, appearing some meters away with a boom.

"Na." Carnage said, flinging Batman away like a rag doll and pointing a green crystal at Superman. "I just wanted to borrow this."

"Green Kryptonite? How..." Superman asked, staggering back.

"Don't know. But when I went through Batman files, I remembered it being there and since he invited you here, knowing him, he would have it in his utility belt." Carnage said, looking at Superman who fell on his knee, visibly weakened. "That's a lot of damage. Who knew a Kryptonite can get you to this state."

Bringing the Kryptonite close to Superman, Carnage bent down and took a big chunk of Superman's forearm. Swallowing the meat and blood, he almost vomited of how disgusting it tasted but soon strong burning energy rushed through his cells. His body grew stronger, his cells and muscles become more durable. His Kree DNA quickly consumed and copied Superman DNA, spreading it to the other part of his body.


An inhuman shriek escaped his mouth as he felt his body evolve leagues above what it was before.

"Only a little bite and I am already this different?" Carnage thought, clenching his fist. Looking down at Superman, still kneeling on the ground, he grinned. "Time for another-"

Suddenly, an orange lightning bolt hit the Kryptonite out of his hand. Turning in the direction of the lightning bolt, he saw Flash running toward him as he swung his hand at Carnage, shooting another lightning bolt at him.

"Oh? You're approaching me?" Carnage asked, looking at Flash running toward him. "Guess I have to make you unable to run ever again."