Chapter 85

After the meeting, Luthor and the other decided to explore their new base. Throughout the week, the base has changed from a rocky mountain with equipment to an actual base. The floor was smoothened out and tilled with reflective obsidian and other materials by the lesser Kree Carnage created. Out of the 217 he created, only three of them were able to keep their mind, one male and two female. He just named them Test subject 1, also known as TS-1, TS-2, and TS-3.

All lesser Kree worked 24/7 to make the mountain an actual base while Carnage just had to supply them with intrusion and the material they need. Doors were installed, heaters, doors, and many other things, all the energy coming from solar energy. 100% of the space he uses now has been worked on and the other parts he doesn't use yet are being worked on.

"It is amazing how you made this place like this," Luthor said, looking around the big lab. He wouldn't have guessed this was inside a mountain but a building in a city just by looking at this multipurpose huge lab.

"The lesser Kree did all these. They are great workers" Carnage explained. Luthor wanted to ask what that mean but decided against it. Looking over to Joker, Carnage shouted, "Don't go touching everything."

"What? I am just trying to make a C4 bomb." Joker mumbled as he continues doing what he was doing.

"He says it like it is normal," Cheetah chuckled as she walked away to go explore on her own.

Seeing her and Joker doing their own things, Carnage saw this as the perfect time to show Luthor the Mother Box. "Luthor, come with me. I need to show you something." Carnage said, walking through a door that slid to the left.

Luthor followed behind him as they walked through many doors which scanned Carnage's face, immediately opening, before stopping at a door more than 4 meters high that wouldn't open. Cutting off his arm, Carnage threw it into a hatch that opened up, a new one healing soon after. Your mind normally stops you from inflecting self-harm, or at least make you hesitate, and seeing him cut off his arm like that made Luthor speculate that his mind lost that function after he gained the Godlike regeneration he has.

The door then opened up to a big dome room, with the Mother box floating in the middle of the room and multiple wires attached to it, computers around the room receiving data from the wires. "The Mother Box. A Box containing all the knowledge of the New Gods."

Luthor inspected the box before going to a computer and looking at it. "These things are receiving no data from the box."

"Yes. Human technology is not high enough to receive any information from it." Carnage explained, jumping up and pulling the Mother Box out of the wires connecting to it. "I am trying to activate it, opening a gate to Apokolips, the homeworld of the beings that invaded earth." He continued, landing on the ground.

"And why would you do that? Don't tell me you just want to cause more chaos."

"That will lead nowhere. From what I know, activating it is the best way to get information out of it. When the box activates close to someone, that person will merge with it, gaining all the information the Box has access to. You will lose some information to keep your memories." Carnage explained, stating all the things he gained from observing mecha Felicia and Cyborg.

Hearing Carnage's explanation raised a question in Luthor. "How do you know this if you can't get any information?"

"Two people have completed the procedure during the invasion. One is Cyborg, a member of the Justice League, and the other is known as Felicia. I killed Felicia due to her stupidity or else activating this box would be easier with her help." Carnage clarified, tapping his foot on the floor at superspeed. "As for Cyborg... It would be hard to make him work for me as I have nothing against him."

"I see..." Luthor muttered, looking over to Carnage. "I will try to make my company create something that can look into this Box."

Looking over to Luthor, Carnage said, "You are the only one who hasn't taken the injection to become a Kree, I wonder why."

"I don't trust you so I will be taking this back to look into it." Luthor replied, Carnage noticing a slight change in his heartbeat.

"Hahaha," Carnage laughed, holding his stomach. "I already know you are trying to reverse engineer it. I doubt that you would."

Luthor glared at Carnage. "We would see about that."

"Yeah, we will see about it, Luthor." Carnage chuckled, confident that no one will be able to recreate the drug. After all, it needs a specific DNA from C-1. "Take the box. Try to find something out from it."

Catching the Box that was thrown at him, Luthor looked up, surprised. "You are just going to hand me this? What are you getting at?"

"We are working on it together, so you should also have your time to inspect it." Carnage said, smiling. "I will go see what the others are doing. In the meantime, look into that at best as you could."

Walking up to the main lab, Cheetah noticed him and walked toward him. He could see an amused look on her face as she approached him. "Who knew you would have a daughter."

"Circumstances." Carnage said, looking down and the grinning Cheetah, her tail moving back and forth in excitement.

"So who is the mother?" Cheetah teasingly said, "Wich woman could make the ruthless Cabbage fall for her~"

"She was my creation through science, not through sex." Carnage clarified, walking past her.

"Oh..." Cheetah murmured, all her excitement leaving. "Why do you leave her locked up in here? Are you scared of the Justice League capturing your precious daughter? Would it crush your heart to see her taken away?" Cheetah asked, wanting to teas Carnage more.

"Actually, yes." Carnage agreed, looking at Cheetah. "It would crush that frail heart of mine to see her taken away and used as a research subject in creating some anti-Kree drug. That would be devastating. But I guess they have already looked into it, seeing as she was in Batman prison for two months."

"You don't love her at all? I mean, she is your daughter. Even you should have felling for your own blood." Cheetah asked, folding her arm.

"No, she can go die for all I care, though after I create C-2." Carnage replied, walking away. "I will go create something, tell the others not to disturb me."

"You are one cold bastard." Cheetah muttered, frowning at Carnage back before shouting, "I will take her shopping in the closest city. Just wanted to let you know."

"Do whatever you want. But if you let her get captured by the Justice League..." Carnage trailed off, knowing that she understood what he meant. 'Now, C-2 or satellite? Which one should I do first?'