Chapter 70

About 5 thousand meters below Mars's surface, a burrow is located. In this borrow, where there was once houses and structure, nothing but ashes remained. Withing the ashes, you can see an ear with blue scales.

The ear grew and regretted, gaining ahead, torso, then limbs, transforming into a 9 feet tall monster with nothing but muscles. Blood vessels and other organs regenerated before the blue scales regenerated to cover it all, transforming into a blue-scaled monster with nothing on its face except an eye. The eyes of the opened, revealing a yellow eyeball with no Irises. This was Carnage.

'I am alive...' Carnage thought, looking at his body then his surrounding. 'Not only did I survive, but I also regenerated from only my ear. What kind of sorcery is this?'

Confusion flooded his mind, not able to comprehend what happened. From his knowledge, being able to regenerate his entire body from his brain is nothing new, but from his ear?

'Those this mean my brain is no more my weakness?' Carnage thought, rubbing his forehead, he went into deep thought. 'Should I destroy my brain...? I did it before so no harm trying.'

Raising his right hand to the spot where his brain is was supposed to be, he forced it into his head, grabbing his brain, and pulling it out, blood and brain matters spacing around. His body went limp for about three seconds, the time it took another brain to grow within his head.

Looking down at the brain he was holding, Carnage came up with a bold conclusion. 'I have become nearly unkillable. As long as a little piece of me is remaining, I will regenerate from that piece. The downside is, I became extremely valuable to fire. When I am on fire, I can't regenerate...'

His eyes twitched at that thought. On earth, there are more than 1 thousand people that can control fire, which means when his weakness is found out, he will become very easy to deal with.

'I need to eliminate this weakness. I rather have my brain be my weakness than lose the capability to regenerate when on fire. Who knows, it may be any kind of high heat.'

Transforming into his original form, he made his skin look and feel like he was wearing a shirt and a pant. Red lightning flashed around his body as he zoomed through the Sectors. Passing more than fifty sectors, he found no Martians, be it green or white, only burned down borrows, causing him to believe they have killed off themselves.

Soon, he reached a borrow that seemed to be dedicated toward scientific advancements because all the buildings were for science purposes. And there was also a small spaceship located on a landing pad, the top of the spaceship revealing a big tunnel that led up to the surface. Taking note of the spaceship, he quickly running through all the buildings, he found a lab and went on to understanding his new cells and DNA, finding the problem in less than a minute.

His cells contained a highly flammable substance, more flammable than gasoline. Once it catches on fire, it won't stop till it catches in the fire. He attempted and succeeded remove the flammable material from a finger he cut off to experiment on, but at the cost of the finger losing its regeneration.

"Which means, if I lose my weakness to fire by removing these things, I lose my regeneration? To do or not to do." Going through a quick debate, he decided against it. "Weakness to fire is a small price to pay for me who can regenerate from a cell. As long as one of my cells survives, I won't die coupled with my nearly infinite lifespan, I am closer to immortality than ever before. Though, I have to find a way to get rid of fire as soon as possible."

While debating on what to do to get rid of his weakness, he heard loud footsteps outside. Vibrating till he became invisible, he walked out of the room to see a family of white Martians, a father, a mother, and a girl wich seemed to be their child.

They quickly ran to the spaceship that Carnage was going to use to escape, pressed some code in, and the door opened.

"Go in, M'gann. This will take you to the Vega system where we will meet you later." The mother said, gesturing for the little girl known as M'gann to enter.

"But I want to go with you guys?" M'gann said, refusing to enter the spaceship.

"It can only fit own person. Now go before the Green Martians come. Don't worry, we will come for you." The father said, helping his daughter enter the spaceship and the door closing, just in time for the Green Martians to appear around the corner, running and screaming at them.

Seeing this, Carnage speed through past the two White Martians, snatching their eyes out of their socket as he passed by, and phased into the spaceship. It slowly lifted off the ground before shooting up the tunnel above it at a very fast speed, appearing on the planet's surface in less than a second.

Inside the spaceship was the little girl, sitting on the copilot seat and looking at her planet get smaller and smaller. Carnage casually sat on the pilot seat, scaring the shit out of her, as he looked at the four eyeballs on his hand.

She watched in horror as he ripped out his eyeballs and implanted the new one in it, a smile appearing on his face. "Who knew my body will assimilate these eyes to become mine."

"Umm, who are you?" She asked, telepathically sending her thought to the man.

Looking at her, Carnage grinned and said, "I am Carnage."

"Oh-ok..." She telepathically said, going silent as she watched Carnage start pressing random buttons on the control pad. "W-what are you doing?"

"Changing the course for earth." Carnage said, leaning back on the chair as he turned to face the girl, "So, M'gann, you know your parents are dead, right?"

"I know..." She telepathically responded, not once thinking twice on how a stranger can know her name as on Mars, things like names weren't a secret as they all had telepathic. "Are you a green Martian?"

"You can say that. I ate more green Martian so I am more green than white." Carnage said, playing with his two old eyeballs before throwing them into the trashcan that disposes of the trash to space. 'If I somehow get disintegrated, those eyeballs will be my only chance of surviving.'

Once they knew he was a green Martian, M'gann became more cation, moving her seat away. Looking out the window, she saw the spaceship move past the moon as it slowly got closer to a blue planet. It tore through Earth's atmosphere, as it slowly descended and landed somewhere in the north pole.

Kicking out the window, Carnage jumped out and landed on the white snow, M'gann following by phasing through the door.

"I don't know this place. C-can you take me with you?" M'gann asked, looking at him.

"No. Fend for yourself." Carnage said, not wanting to take care of a kid. With red lightning, he zoomed away. Next stop: Gotham.