Chapter 72

Appearing inside a closed library with a red streak, Carnage went to a random computer, dropped the two boxes on the table, and started hacking into S.T.A.R lab's security system, not caring about covering his tracks.

Unsurprisingly, the computer he was using was hacked, multiple codes appearing on the screen before Felicia appeared on the screen. She was wearing a black shirt, black jeans, and a white lab coat, with her hair tied in a bun.

"Oh, hay Carnage. Where did you go that I couldn't find you after searching every corner of the globe... The places that have technologies I mean." Felicia asked, doing something else on another computer next to her.

"I need you to look into this box and give me every single thing you find out about it." Carnage said, ignoring her question, and bringing the two boxes to the screen.

Looking at them, Felicia got extremely excited. Grabbing the computer screen, she said, "Bring it to Star labs. I will need your help looking into it. Come straight to the basement using staircase 7B." She said, before cutting the connection between them and cleaning all the tracks.

Picking up the boxes, Carnage turned off the computer before flashing away in a read blur. Not even caring to hide his tracks anymore, he zoomed through the City, leaving it, and heading to Central City. Once he entered S.T.A.R labs, he vibrated himself till he turned invisible and started walking toward the stairs, no need to cause a commotion after all.

Felicia was waiting for him when he reached the basement and she quickly snatched the boxes from him. "Finally, I can look into this box without the rest of those scientists, especially Silas Stone, interfering with me." She said, hugging both of them tightly.

"Star Labs have changed a lot since when I last visited." Carnage said, thinking back to all the scientists he saw moving around upstairs. "Last time, I was deserted, with only team flash being here."

"All thanks to me." Felicia said, placing both boxes in one hand and pressing her palm on the wall. The wall suddenly moved apart, exposing an elevator. She then walked in, Carnage following after her, "I also joined the Justice League but it is only me, Barry, Bruce, and Clark, that is in the team. We tried recruiting but no one joined and the others don't want to use force. But after this alien invasion, I am sure everyone will want to join us."

"An alien invasion? You think these boxes are related to an alien invasion..." After thinking it through, Carnage nodded. "You may be right."

"I am. Where else can this kind of technology come from? An alien race, far more advanced than earth." Felicia said, walking out of the elevator as it stopped. "Welcome, to my hidden laboratory."

Sleeping out of the elevator, Carnage instantly moved through the lab, looking at all the technologies. Though there weren't as advanced as the one on Mars, they were still good compared to Earth technology level.

"You created all these?" Carnage asked, looking at her put both boxes on inside a big orb, where they both floated.

"No, not all of them. Some of them I upgraded while some of them I created from scratch. You should be able to do the same thing if you didn't spend most told your time researching immortality." Felicia said, typing away on a keyboard. "Your research was amazing. I couldn't have been able to find out most of the things you found. I guess super speed is more versatile than perfect memories."

Carnage touched a glass chamber, not wondering how she got all the research he did. "Yeah. Technology isn't my style. I am someone who doesn't like powers from an outside source."

"Uh-huh. Now, assist me in cracking this thing open. Your superspeed will be a great help. I can't let Stone beat me in finding out what this thing is." Felicia said, as she started handing out commands to Carnage, who followed them without any complaints.

He was genuinely curious about the box and what kind of information they held to not care that someone was commanding him and since his main field in science was biology and biochemistry, he wasn't good at gadgetry even though he has a lot of knowledge.

"Despite running thousand of test on these things, we haven't uncovered nothing." Felicia said, sitting back on her chair while Carnage stood in front of the boxes, watching them. "What are you doing?"

"Yeah, I think they activated themselves." Carnage said, Felicia instantly standing up and running to stand beside him.

"Uhh... What should we do?" She asked, curious to see how it will end but at the same time, fearing that something bad will happen. Walking up to it, she grabbed them off the orb and looked at it. "It activated but nothing else is happening. Should we look into it more?"

Carnage kept watching it. Just like when Ivy was about to open a portal to the Green, he felt like this thing was about to open a portal to another world.

"No, wait! It's gonna blow-" Just as Felicia said that both boxes exploded, engulfing her in a bright white light before throwing her back.

The white light condensed and turned into two wormholes as more of those creatures came flying out, heading for Carnage. Grabbing one of them, he started using it as a weapon to attack the others.

'Shit, they explode when they die. Soon this place will turn into a fire hole.' Throwing the one he was holding, Carnage was about to speed out S.T.A.R. labs before he remembered Felicia who was thrown away by the explosion.

Appearing next to her, he noticed most of her body was covered in blue veins, her left arm missing. Grabbing her and throwing her on his shoulder, he sped out of the Lab, appearing at the top of the tallest building in Central City.

Dropping Felicia, who was struggling to stay alive, on the roof, he looked over the city, multiple portals opening and that thing flying out of it.

"An alien invasion..." Carnage said, a crazy grin appearing on his face. "I guess it is time to feast."