Chapter 90

Sorry for the long break. Now I am back, better than ever. Here are three chapters. I hope you guys like it.


Suddenly, Superman shot toward Carnage. Carnage, who saw this coming sat still, a small grin slowly appearing on his face, which went unnoticed. Superman appeared on the table in front of Carnage, punching Carnage on his face, causing him to fly through the wall behind him. Before he could gather up himself, another punch landed on his stomach, throwing him through the wall of the skyscraper.

Carnage fell to the street below, watching Superman float out the hole he created. Flipping in the air, he landed on his foot, the earth below him cracking. Outreaching his hand, he stopped a truck coming towards him. Picking it up, he threw it towards Superman. Slightly moving his head to the left, he dodged Flash punch.

"I wonder why you all are mad." Carnage chuckled, grabbing Flash's arm. "It must be true. What I said, I mean."

Flash didn't respond as he quickly phases out his arm from Carnage's grip. But before he could do anything else, something landed on him, dust rising around him. Cracks echoed through the street as a loud cry of pain coming from Flash. The dust cleared, revealing C-1 casually dusting her clothes while standing on Flash's leg.

"I wonder how many times his legs have been broken." Carnage muttered, looking up in the sky to see Wonder Woman, Superman, Cyborg, Green Lantern and Shazam, floating down. "1 down, 6 to go."

"2 down. I snapped Batman's neck." C-1 corrected, kicking the crying flash out from under her feet.

"That was a robot." Carnage laughed, seeing the smug look on C-1's face. "He should be here, about... now."

Just then, a heavy piece of armor dropped out of the sky. The armor has a black tone as its overall plating color and gray plates in various areas of its structure. It is covered with layered pieces of metal and has multiple Arc Reactors around its body. The armor is eleven feet high, with a golden bat symbol on its chest.

Wonder Woman landed on the head of Batman's new armor. Superman and Cyborg landed on the right while Green Lantern and Shazam landing on the right. Seeing the group, C-1 groaned, looking over to the grinning Carnage.

"What are you going to call this new armor, Batman? The Carnage Buster?" Carnage joked, inspecting the new armor with his x-ray vision.

"That sounds good. I will name it that." Batman said from inside the armor.

"Let's end this," Superman said, flying towards Carnage and C-1.

Multiple missiles came out of the armor, shooting at the duo. C-1 quickly went behind Carnage, causing him to take the combined hit from the missiles and Superman. Batman ignored C-1 and jumped toward where Carnage and Superman were exchanging punches. Shazam and Cyborg followed suit, leaving Wonder woman to handle C-1.

Seeing most of the Justice League coming towards him, Carnage stomped on the ground, causing dust to rise. When the dust cleared, you could see two identical Superman fighting each other. Batman quickly stopped himself, trying to figure out who the real Superman is.

"Who is the real one?" Shazam asked, stopping beside Batman.

"Both of them are too similar. I can't distinguish the difference." Cyborg said, scanning the two Superman.

They watched the two Superman tussle with each other, destroying the area around them. One Superman punched the other, causing him to fly towards Batman, slamming into the chest of the armor.

"Hold him." The first Superman shouted, flying towards Batman.

Batman grabbed Superman who slammed into his chest the other one flew forward, throwing a barrage of punches at Superman's chest. The Superman who Batman was holding still suddenly shot a laser from his eyes causing the one who was throwing the barrage to dodge using his speed. Batman realized his mistake, letting go of the real Superman.

"What kind of team are you guys. You don't even recognize your own." Carnage, still disguised as Superman, laughed, holding his stomach.

Superman glared at Batman, cleaning the blood from his mouth. A beam came out of Batman's armor's leg as he shot forward. Ignoring Batman red lightning flashed around Carnage's body as he appeared beside Green Lantern. He tried to take away the ring but found out it wasn't leaving.

"I won't allow you to do that again." Green Lantern declared, creating multiple green chains.

They wrapped around Carnage, allowing Superman and Shazam to land a strong punch on his stomach. Carnage slid back, not fazed by their attack. Standing up, his body began to morph before transforming into an exact copy of Wonder Woman. Seeing his new form, they all immediately knew what he was going to do.

Grinning, Carnage disappeared with a red streak, everyone following after him. Catching up to him, they noticed a Wonder Woman and C-1, ganging up to beat up another Wonder Woman. Without thinking, Superman flew forward, smashing his fist into the face of the Wonder Woman beside C-1. With a sonic boom, she flew through multiple skyscrapers like they were made of glass. C-1 looked at the spot Wonder Woman once stood, her eyes filled with pure terror.

The other Wonder Woman suddenly burst out laughing, holding her stomach. "How could you fall for that again." She laughed, turning out to be Carnage.

Superman looked at the laughing Carnage, still in the form of Wonder Woman, his jaw clenched. Controlling his rage, he flew toward the direction Wonder Woman went.

"C-1, you did a good job teaming up with Wonder Woman to fight me." Carnage Laughed, looking over to C-1.

C-1 looked away from Carnage and started whistling, causing Carnage to become serious.

"You didn't know it was me?" He asked, causing C-1 to flinch.

"Of you-"

She was cut off by a bright white beam coming toward her direction, completely obliterating her right side and some building behind her. The other half of her fell on the ground as it started regenerating. Placing both arms together, Batman's armor arm combined, turning into a huge cannon. A bright beam shot out the cannon, towards Carnage. With a reading streak, he evaded the beam, dashing towards Shazam.

Right as he appeared in front of Shazam, he heard a scream. "Shazam!!"

Before carnage could react, a bolt of white lightning struck both him and Shazam. Instead of the lightning damaging him, they got absorbed into him like he was a sponge in water.

Looking down at his palm, a grin smirk appeared on Carnage's face. "I forgot I can absorb electricity." He also noticed that his speed got boosted due to the excess lightning within him. But they were temporary. Carnage looked over to Shazam, surprised to see him in the form of a child. "The fuck?"

"H-how?" Shazam stuttered, his eyes slowly becoming wider. Seeing Carnage reaching towards him, he quickly shouted, "Shazam!"

Another lightning came down on them. After the lightning left, two Shazam stood across from each other, lightning arching around their bodies. This time, Green Lantern automatically recognized the real Shazam. Creating the construct of a machine gun, he unloaded it on the real Carnage. Phasing his body, the bullet went through it, hitting Batman who was running towards them.

Carnage's already known the transformation was flawed due to Shazam's lightning being orange while he's is red. It would have been bad if no one found out.

Dodging the fist from The Carnage Buster, he grabbed Shazam's arm then threw him at Green Lantern who was creating a construct.

By the side, Cyborg and C-1 we're exchanging blows, with none of them having the upper ground. Due to their regeneration, it was at a standstill.

"It won't be easy to hit me, Bat. I know the function of your suit." Carnage said, dodging Batman punch. "Once it touches me, it will continuously absorb my speed force energy till I go dry. Quite good for taking care of speedsters."

Carnage noticed a frown appear on Batman's face, using his X-ray vision, causing him to smile. He never knew the function but just guessed. Why else would he fight him, the fastest being, with such huge armor?

A loud boom suddenly echoed as C-1 flew towards Carnage, the right half of her body completely obliterated. In her spot was Superman who was panting heavily. Carnage caught C-1, jumping many meters back with her.

Throwing C-1 on the ground, Carnage grinned. "You look mad, Superman. What are you gonna do? Kill me?" He teased, invitingly opening his arm. "If you destroy my brain, you kill me. Come on. Do it."

All actions stopped, multiple thoughts going through the hero's mind. Should they do it? Killing him would save millions if not billions of lives. One life to save a billion. That is a good trade. They have the chance to end the most notorious villain regain, which would make the world more than 80% more peaceful.

'Should we kill him?'