Chapter 93

Wally sat on his bed, looking through his phone. "Why can't I use my power to help people. What are they going to do? Shoot me?" He mumbled, seeing a hostage situation occurring at the moment.

Standing up from his bed, he changed his personal red parka, an orange hoodie, and a red-eye mask. Wally also wore tight black pants, black socks, and red-lined, black basketball shorts. Finishing his outfit off with a black glove and a red and black sneaker, he grinned.

"Time to go stop some crimes." Orange lightning flashed around his body as he ran out of the house.

No one can stop him since Flash is out of the city. With an orange flash, he appeared at a bank, the destination of the hostage situation. Running past the police stationed outside the bank, trying to negotiate, he entered the bank. Inside were 30 bank employees, all kneeling side by side on one wall. Five men were pointing their guns at the hostages, telling them to keep quiet while on the phone with the police.

"Let them go and no one gets hurt," Wally shouted, a smirk on his face.

This got the attention of the hostages and the robbers. "Another wannabe hero." The one who was talking to the police said, hanging up. He pointed his gun at Wally, shouting, "Join those fuckers and YOU don't get hurt."

"What are you going to do. Shoot me?" Wally teased, walking forward. "Try it." He confidently said, grinning.

The robber didn't need to hear it twice and immediately unloaded all the magazine at Wally. After some seconds, he noticed all his bullets were gone. Looking toward the wannabe superhero, he saw him grinning. Wally pointed at the ground, where all the bullets shot at him arranged themselves in a lightning-bolt symbol.

"F-flash?" One of the gunners pointing his gun at the hostages stuttered.

"No. I am Kid Flash." Wally, now Kid Flash, boldly stated a smile on his face.

"Fuck!" One of the robbers shouted as he reached to pull the trigger at a hostage.

A rope suddenly came from the ceiling, tying itself around the gun then pulling it up. Looking up, they saw Nightwing coming through the roof and landing on the robber, who almost shot the hostage, knocking him out. Seeing his best hero, Kid Flash grinned, feeling the need to showcase his power. With a yellow flash, he took all the guns from the robbers, allowing Nightwing to knock them out.

"You know I could have handled that, right?" Kid Flash said, walking up to Nightwing, who was tying up the robbers.

"Due to your arrogance, you almost caused the death of a hostage." Nightwing scolded, looking over to Kid Flash.

"I-I knew you were there," Wally said, scratching the back of his head.

"Right," Nightwing mumbled, going back to his work.

Wally was about to say something but was cut off by a roar coming from outside the bank. Kid Flash ran outside, Nightwing following after he was done tying the robbers. Arriving, he saw a monster. It is a somewhat humanoid dinosaur standing about twelve feet tall. Its skin is hard, colored gray on its outer side and black on its inner side. The police that were stationed outside were shooting at it, their bullet dealing no damage.

"Wh-what the hell is that!?" Wally shouted, looking over stepping back.

"Kid Flash, take away all the civilians," Nightwing shouted, taking out his Eskrima Sticks and running towards the monster.

"Wha?" Kid Flash asked, not hearing what Nightwing said due to the monster roars.

"Take the civilians away." He repeated.

Kid Flash nodded and with a yellow blur, he took away all the hostages to safe places, then the police, and lastly, the criminals. Returning to the monster, he saw Nightwing about to be hit by a punch from the monster. He quickly carried Nightwing out of the way, saving him.

Looking over to Kid Flash, he nodded in appreciation before looking over to the monster moving towards them. He quickly threw a barrage of Batarangs as Kid Flash ran to the monster and punched hard.

"Ouch!" Kid Flash cried. Instead of hurting the monster, he hurt himself.

"Kid Flash, watch out!" Night Wing shouted, running toward Kid Flash as the monster fist came down at him.

Just as it was about to hit Kid Flash, something slammed into the monster's back, sending it flying through the bank wall. Looking up, they saw a young, teenage girl floating in place. She wore a blue shirt with red stitching, a red skirt with a golden strap, and tight, over-the-knee red boots. On the chest of the shirt is a golden S, a cape fluttering behind her back.

"She's strong." Kid Flash whispered to Nightwing, staring at Supergirl.

"She is Superman's cousin, Supergirl," Nightwing said, walking towards the bank to check on the monster.

"Hello, Nightwing. I have heard a lot about you." Supergirl said with a smile, floating down. Nightwing didn't respond as he kept walking. Looking over to Kid Flash, she said, "And you..."

"Kid Flash. Nice to meet you." He said, holding out his hands.

"Good to meet you too, Kid Flash," Supergirl said, shaking his hands.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Kid Flash asked, leaning in to kiss the back of her palm, but she quickly pulled it back.

"Focus!" Nightwing shouted, turning towards them.

Just then, a roar came from the building as the monster dashed towards Nightwing. Yellow Lightning flashed around Kid Flash's body as he got ready to help Nightwing as Supergirl flew toward the monster. Kid Flash quickly ran and took Nightwing out of the way as Supergirl punched the monster back into the bank, black blood spurting from its mouth. Supergirl followed the monster inside the bank and started going a one vs one.

Nightwing thanked Kid Flash and quickly stood up, just as a red streak of lightning stopped many meters behind them. A large man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique walked towards them. He stood about 6'7" with bronze-colored skin, short black hair, thick black eyebrows, and red, intense eyes. He wore black pants, a white shirt, a lab coat, a scowl on his face, and barefoot. This is Carnage.

Looking over to Kid Flash, he said. "I sense the speed force from you, kid. Who are you?"

Nightwing was about to stop Kid Flash, but he was faster. "I am Kid Flash."

"Kid Flash." Carnage repeated, inspecting Kid Flash.

"What is your purpose being here, Carnage?" Nightwing asked, a bit fearful. He quickly pressed the emergency button on his belt, which didn't go unnoticed by Carnage.

"What? I can't visit my birth home?" Carnage smirked, walking forward.

Yellow lightning flashed around Kid Flash's body as he leaned forward. "I heard you are a speedster who has killed hundreds. Time for you to go to jail"

Nightwing looked over to kid flash, his mouth slowly dropping open. 'Is this kid crazy!!!'

"Hahahahaha!" Carnage laughed, having not heard something this funny in months. "You're not even close to my speed even if I was rolling along the ground. No, when I am sitting I am still faster than you." He laughed, holding his stomach. "God. This new generation is hilarious."

This angered Kid Flash as he dashed forward, appearing in front of Carnage before Nightwing could react. He threw a punch but ended up punching air. Carnage appeared behind him, grabbing him by his head and picking him up. He slowly started squeezing, causing Kid Flash to scream.

Supergirl heard his scream, so she ignored the monster who she has been fighting. She flew out the bank, going straight for Carnage. Nightwing started throwing multiple Batarange at Carnage with his right hand while repeatedly pressing the emergency button as if it will make Batman come quicker.

Using his free hand, Carnage blocked Supergirl's punch, a surprised look crossing his face. "Your punch is... Heavy." He thought she would be weaker since she is way younger than Superman, but who knew she was almost as strong as him.

"That's because I am Supergirl!" She shouted, kicking towards Carnage's face.

But before she could hit him, Carnage placed Kid Flash as a shield. Time suddenly slowed as an orange streak of lightning moved through the city of Gotham, shattering all the glass in its path. Carnage looked in the streak just as it passes by him, taking Kid Flash with it.

Casually grabbing Supergirl's legs, he tossed her aside, his attention focused on Flash. 'He is faster. Faster than... me?'

Flash checked if Kid Flash was alright before looking up at Carnage, orange lightning flashing in his eyes. Just then, the monster came out of the bank, dashing at Nightwing. Either Flash didn't notice the monster, or he didn't care, but he sprinted toward's Carnage.

Just as the monster was about to bite a huge chunk off Nightwing's head, Batman, in his Carnage buster armor, dropped out the sky, landing between it and Nightwing. As he was busy handling the monster, Flash was exchanging blows with Carnage at supersonic speed.

"My eyes were deceiving me. You are not faster than me." Carnage said as he grabbed Supergirl's fist, who tried to sneak attack him, throwing her at Flash.

Flash phased through her, continuing his attack. A frown appeared on Carnage's face as he dodged another punch from Supergirl while simultaneously kicking away the monster thrown at him by Batman.

Cracking his neck, Carnage grumbled, "I don't have time for this."

The monster stood up, letting out a roar.

"You!" Carnage shouted, pointing at the monster. His eyes glowed, red lightning flashing in them. "Sit and shut up."

Like a dog, the monster obeyed, sitting down and whimpering. Batman took note of what happened as he walked beside Flash.

"The rest of the Justice League are on their way. We all know you can't defeat us united." Batman said, pointing his palm at Carnage.

"Who said?" Carnage laughed, looking towards Batman. "But I have other things to take care of, so I will be on my way."

He grabbed the monster's tail, throwing him into the sky. The monster disappeared with a twinkle of light as Carnage flashed a sinister smile at Flash before disappearing.

"We will talk later, Flash." Batman said, walking towards Nightwing to speak.