Chapter 99

Carnage stood in the snowy field of the south pole, wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and black gloves. Above it, he wore a black double-breasted overcoat. There was a high chance of a fight breaking out, so he made sure he wore the backup second skin. This one was better, having a higher tolerance to heat and tearing damage. C-1 walked up beside him, her entire body covered by a black cloak, the only noticeable feature of her face being her glowing blue eyes.

"Who knew you could dress well," C-1 said, looking at Carnage.

"I have to be presentable. If I am going to learn magic from Enchantress, I can't just force her to do it. She could teach me a suicide skill if I do." Carnage said, looking down at C-1 beside him. "We can't afford that, can we?"

C-1 nodded, understanding where Carnage was coming from. "Well, I am going to fly."

"Suit yourself." Carnage said, noticing the snow in the ground being drawn towards him. 'Guess my mass has reached the point it can pull things from earth gravity. If It reaches the level of the moon, it will be a problem for me.' He thought.

Squatting down, he formed a small snowball before letting it drop. Unsurprisingly, it started orbiting him. As the gravity of earth pulled the snowball toward it, his gravity pulled it into a curved orbit. Carnage squatted and formed eight more snowballs, putting them in the formation of the solar system.

"It is not time to experiment with your everchanging mass. You are the one who said you want to meet Enchantress." C-1 shouted, bringing Carnage back to reality.

"True." Carnage said, slapping the snowballs away.

Deciding to continue his experiment later, he took a step forward, appearing hundreds of miles away. Looking back, he saw C-1 flying towards him at a slow speed of Mach 3. Although it was slow, it was better than he expected. With this speed, she could outspeed cheetah and maybe Kid Flash. Looking beside, him he saw a Penguin staring at him with a tilted head. Carnage stared back, a smile appearing on his face.

'I should use them for an experiment.' He thought, his mind already going through different experiments he could use them for. As if knowing its doom is near, the penguin got on its belly and slid away on the frozen floor.

Some minutes later, C-1 caught up to him, floating above him. "You should run without the speed force. Otherwise, you will end up waiting for me at every step."

"Even without the speed force, I move at Mach 50. Probably more." Carnage said, placing his hands into his coat pocket. "Let's just go."

C-1 shot forward, multiple sonics boom echoing as she flew. Looking down, she saw Carnage casually striding, keeping up to her. He wasn't at all affected by the airwave released as she flew, occasionally dusting snow off his coat.

'What a showoff, walking at Mach 3.' C-1 thought, sighing. 'I wonder if he is still planning on killing me? I did find a potential magic teacher for him.'

Looking back down, she saw Carnage now playing with a snowball. He stared at the snowball before throwing it forward. Unable to escape its gravitational pull, the snowball traveled around the earth in 18 seconds, coming back at Carnage. Carnage caught the snowball and started compressing it more. C-1 mouth dropped open, seeing this. She knew carnage was strong, but to be able to compact snow to be hard enough not to melt when traveling at that speed was incredible. Not to talk about the point he threw a ball around the earth, she is still struggling to throw something across continents.

'I can throw something at Mach 6490. That's... nice?' Carnage himself was surprised at the speed the ball traveled. 'It could have gone faster if I used enough force, but then it will escape the earth's atmosphere.'

They kept traveling, with Carnage still throwing the snowball around to him. Unknown to him, he was causing massive havoc around the Earth. Not that he would care anyway. Suddenly Carnage jumped up, getting tired of walking at such a slow speed, grabbing C-1 by her head.

"We will be speeding things up." He said, smiling down at the angry C-1.

"But I want to..."

Without letting her finish, he shot forward. To his surprise, he was able to run on air with his new and improved speed. Soon, they reached North America, and instead of going to Peru, Carnage instead stood at the edge of the Great Crater of the United States, aka Felicia self-destruction site.

C-1, who was disoriented from moving at such speed, staggered around before regaining her balance. She looked around, noticing where they were. "Why are we here? I thought we were going to Peru."

"There is a battle going on in the middle of the Crater." Carnage said, staring in the direction. Harley, Ivy, the one known as Deadshot, a guy with so much tattoo and controls flames, and a Japanese woman were fighting a woman. The woman wore a green two-piece outfit that consists of a crop top and pants. "It seems like the Suicide Squid you talked about, fighting against a woman in green."

C-1 looked in the direction before looking back at Carnage. "I can't see anything. My eyesight only sees up to 10 miles, and the middle of the crater is about 400 miles away." She said matter of factly.

Carnage stared at C-1 for a while, causing her to feel like she did something wrong. He then grabbed her shoulder, appearing close to the fight site in an instant. No one seems to notice the arrival of the new guest as they continued their fight.

"That's her," C-1 said, putting up the hood of her cloak. "They have her heart. That's why they have this huge advantage against her. With her heart, you could control her. At least that's what she told me."

Hearing this, a grin appeared on Carnage's face. "That makes things easier. What does the heart look like?" C-1 shrugged in response, not know what it looks like.

Scanning the group, Carnage looked for the person holding his heart. Out of the entire group, the only person holding something strange was Harley, who was holding what looks like a rock with many vines tied around it. Another thing that made him sure was how Enchantress kept going for her. Seeing this, Carnage appeared behind Harley, shocking everyone.

"You again, Carnage." Harley said as she turned around and kicked at Carnage's balls.

Carnage grabbed the thing she was holding with his right hand before slapping Harley away. Just then, a Japanese woman came behind Carnage, slicing down on his right shoulder. Before the sword could touch Carnage's clothes, C-1 kicked the woman on her ribs, sending her flying away.

"I can see why you guys are called the Suicide Squad." Carnage laughed, "If any of you attack again, you will all be dead-"

"Ain't got nothing to worry about. I want to die." A guy said, shrugging. He wore a white tank top, black pants, and white shoes. He had a multitude of tattoos around his body, and three wisps of flames floated around him.

Seeing the flames, Carnage immediately appeared behind the man, sticking his left arm through the man's chest and snatching out his heart before squeezing it. Remembering what Impulse said about double-tapping, Carnage grabbed the man's head with his left arm, squeezing it. His head exploded, and Carnage appeared back on his spot, making it seem like he didn't move at all.

"See how quick he died?" Carnage asked, staring at the heart of Enchantress. "You will all die like that if you interfere."

"You and Mister J are the same crazies." Harley said, spitting out blood and some tooth.


Carnage's speech was cut off by a heavy punch to his chin, sending him many miles away. He bounced off the ground multiple times before sliding to a stop, his legs digging into the ground. Looking up, he saw a fist appere right in front of his face. Before he could vibrate or dodge, the fist collided with his face, breaking his nose and sending him flying many more miles away.

While flying in the air, Carnage quickly caught himself, dodging another punch from the unknown person. Using his speed, he appeared many meters away, looking at the person. It was a person, clad in red and orange armor. On the chest of the armor was a yellow lightning symbol.

"Who are you!?" Carnage bellowed, using his X-ray vision to see who is inside the suit. To his surprise, he couldn't see into the suit. 'Fuck. What kind of suit is that!?'

"I and the Justice League have decided to bring you in for good." Barry's voice echoed from the suit.

"Wh- how are you- WHAT!?" Carnage shouted, his veins popping. "It's that suit, isn't it!? The Suit is a Tachyon device!"

"Your right guess will be rewarded." Flash said, leaning forward. "A reward of being jailed." He suddenly appears in front of Carnage, throwing a punch.

Carnage quickly dodged the punch, resulting in him losing his balance on the air particles he was standing on. Larg bat wings grew on Canage's back, helping quickly regaining his balance in the air. Red lightning flashed around his wings and body as he shot forward at max speed. Although he could have just run on air, his speed would be reduced greatly but flying with wings wouldn't reduse it at all. Barry noticed Carnage getting away so he gave chase.