Chapter 109

Impulse tried to move but found out he was unable to. Due to his huge form, his brain is taking longer to connect to the nerves in his body.

'Ok, I didn't think this through. Now I wonder how I stood up.' Impulse thought, looking at his humungous body. 'I look like a Gaint right now. If I lay down a certain way, I will become a mountain... I need to focus.' Closing his eyes, Impulse started manually forming and connecting nerves while also estimating his size.

'I am fucking Huge!' Impulse shouted in his mind. 'One of my arm's length is 120 miles. 120 MILES!!! I am so enormous that mount Everest can fit inside my eyes. The tallest mountain is smaller than my EYES! Why the hell did I become this big?' He was starting to see how stupid it was of him to become this big. It took more than a minute to transform into the form he currently was in, so he estimated it will take him longer.

'It seems like the heroes are gathering to fight me. If there is a fire wielder, I am done for. This world will see a burning giant.' Impulse through, creating a third eye behind his head.

Using his telescopic and x-ray vision, he saw the Traveler parked on the dark side of the moon. Although he used the speed force to come to this timeline, he told the Traveler to follow him and park on the dark side of the room. He plans to use the particle barrier to his advantage if it can cover his entire body.

'Now, how do I contact it...'

Impulse paused when Velocity floated in front of his third eyes, with a deep purple glow around him. He stared into the eyes before saying something. Impulse heard nothing since he had no ears, so he had to read his mouth to understand.

"You are huge." That was what velocity said.

To respond, Impulse created a normal size mouth below the third eye. "I know." Impulse agreed. Unlike when he speaks with the main mouth, his voice didn't echo around the entire world and was only loud enough for Impulse to hear. "Can you do something for me?"

"What is it?" Velocity asked, still amazed by Impuls's huge form.

"On the dark side of the moon, My spaceship is parked. If you can, can you drag it to me?" Impulse asked, noticing Heros gathering together by the cost of Japan with his two main eyes.

"I will try." Velocity said, face the moon and shooting towards it with a purple glow.

Impulse watched as Velocity started drawing the Traveler, who surprisingly didn't try to resist. In less than 20 seconds, Velocity was able to drag the ship him.

"It is amazing how you can casually drag a 700 meters ship that weighs 220,462,262 pounds more than 238,855 miles in ten seconds." Impulse said, with Velocity shrugging in response.

"I can use the speed force while I am flying, and my telekinesis lifting power is a lot higher than that." Velocity said, cracking his neck. "I will be going the heroes who will Kill you. I AM a hero after all." With that, he flew away with a purple glow.

Impulse was about to say something to the Traveler, but it flew up and landed on top of his head. Two long wires then came out from under the Traveler, connecting themselves to the top of his head.

[Hello operator. Great to see you again] Xerah voice sounded into Impulse's mind. [You seems... bigger than the last time we met]

'Yeah, Xerah. Can you cover me with your particle barrier?' Impulse mentally asked.

[Operator, the Travelers particle barrier I able to cover an infinite amount of area... If it has the energy for that]

Xerah response caused Impulse to sigh. 'Let me change it so you will understand. Do you have the energy to cover my body with the particle barrier?'

[Yes, operator. The Traveler's energy capacity is enough to cover a planet with the particle barrier while still having the ability to defend against multiple city busters attacks. With you size, it would be able to defend against multiple continental busters attack or one planet buster]

'Good. Cover me with the particle barrier.' Impulse said, closing his eyes to focus on his body.

Floating meters above the tip of Mount Everest was Kara in her Supergirl costume. Unlike her counterpart, this costume had sleek tech quality to it. Her top was a sleeveless blue shirt, with the famous red-and-gold "S" shield on her chest. Instead of a red skirt, she wore blue pants with a gold belt and red boots. Her red knee-length cape fluttered behind her as she stared up at the Titian before her.

"It would be hard to stop him without causing damage to the planet." Velocity stated, appearing at the peak of Mount Everest with a blue streak.

Supergirl didn't have to look back to know who it was. "We should just hope Batman has a plan to stop him. If not..." She trailed off, letting the word hang in the air.

Velocity understands what she meant but could care less if the planet is destroyed. "Where is Alura?" He asked, floating up with his eyes glowing purple and a purple glow around him.

"She is safe on our secret base on Mars," Supergirl answered, facing Velocity on her right. "If Clark was here, I am sure he would have just taken Carnage to space, saving the planet."

Velocity stared at Supergirl, noticing doubt flash past her eyes. He floated in front of her, grabbing both her hands. "Don't worry. I wouldn't let our home be destroyed." With that, her hugged her tightly, his arm around her waist. "We will do it together." He whispered into her ear, grinning from ear to ear.

Supergirl didn't notice this and hugged back. She closed her eyes, letting all her stress flow away. After some seconds of staying like that, she pushed Velocity away, smiling at him. Pressing on her right earpiece. "What's the plan."

"First, we need to find a way to send him to space. Fighting him on Earth will only end in disaster." Batman responded, his voice sounding through all the earpieces of the Justice League.

"Not to talk about how heavy he is, it would be hard to send him to space." Hawkgirl chimed in, raising a valid point. "And I don't think we have time to be planning. He will start his attack anytime soon."

"We don't have to worry about that." Green Lantern(John Stewart) said as he calmly levitated in front of the massive Impulse's closed eye. "My scan shows me he doesn't have control of the body. I guess it is too big for him. But there is something else..."

"What is it?" Batman asked, watching Impulse through his satellite.

"There is some kind of force field surrounding him." Green Lantern said, reaching out to touch something. Like a stone dropping into clam water, a ripple spread out from his touch, reviling a massive omnidirectionally force field protecting Impulse. It was a spectacular view, one which calms one's mind if the titan it's protecting wasn't a Castatopic beast.

Wonder Woman, who was flying to Themyscira to ask for help, stopped. "Mother of Gods. What magic is that?"

"I don't think it is magic, but I don't know what it is." Green Lantern said, continuing his scan.

"This makes things a lot harder." Shazam sighed, standing on the crown of the Statue of Liberty and staring at the Titian. "So I guess the original plan is off?"

"Yes. We won't be able to send him to space without destroying the force field." Batman nodded, cleaning the Bat symbol on his chest. "Let's focus on breaking the force field before he gains control of his body. J'onn, tell those on our side to attack."

J'onn, who was flying to the North Pacific ocean quickly landed on a forest before connecting to hundreds of people who gathered to fend of Carnage. [Everyone, the Titan before you is immobile due to its size. The Justice League is planning to send space to reduce the damage on our planet but is unable to due to the force field protecting it. So we ask, please attack the Titan with everything you got. Once the Force Feild is down, we will take care of the rest]

All the heroes and villains alike who heard this got riled up and the battle begins.