Chapter 133

"WHO DAAARES!?" Felix Faust shouted, standing up from his knee and finding himself in an unknown octagon room, with the center of the room having an octagon console. Standing in front of him was a waist-length blond hair girl wearing a red and black victorian dress and long lace black gloves.

"Father needs you." The little girl said, looking at him. "My name is C-3. You are coming with us."

"And you kidnap me?! I was about to make a breakthrough in my soul magic!" Faust shouted, pointing his right palm at C-3. A purple magic circle appeared in front of the palm, shooting multiple purple lightning Bolts at her.

Trying to block the lightning, C-3 placed her arm in front of her, but it tore through her arm, going straight through her chest. She looked down at her arm and chest, which quickly regenerated, before looking back at Faust.

"Oh? Interesting. But I won't stoop to fighting with a little girl. I will let the filthy demons do that for me." Faust said, clenching his right fist.

Three magic circles appeared on the ground in front of him. The ground in the magic circle broke, spewing out lava, as three demons climbed out of the hole. They stood more than 3 meters tall, their skin black like obsidian with some vane running through their skin, pumping lava. Three horses grew from their head with their hands and feet having long, sharp claws.

They all let out a loud shriek as one of them jumped at C-3. She looked at it, mumbling, "Why didn't I gain the power to move things with my mind like Father, Brother, and Sister." Unlike C-1, instead of gaining telekinesis after drinking Impulse blood to evolve, she gained the ability to control all Krees.

She caught the first demon by its head, squeezing it. Its head exploded, spewing its lava blood, but she ignored it as it dealt no damage to her, grabbing the second and slamming it into the third. She then turned to Faust, who was staring at her with his mouth gaping open.

"It seems like these demons aren't at your level. I wonder who you are?" He said, clapping his hands then pointing them at C-3. Two purple magic circles appeared beside her, shooting out purple light at her, immobilizing her. The magic circle then rotated, one coming in front of her and the other going behind her. This conjured a purple, see-through snake that curled itself around her, holding her in place. "That should hold you-"

"Stop with this magic!" C-3 shouted, her body bludging. The snake shattered into piss as she transformed into a gigantic red cobra. "Now I see why father hates magic."

"What trickery is this!" Faust shouted, staring at the gigantic red Cobra in front of him.

C-3 let out a loud hiss, lunging at him with her mouth wide open. Faust jumped back as an enormous purple magic circle appearing in front of him. C-3 slammed into the magic circle, sending out waves of purple lightning around the Bridge. They tore through the walls, the counsel, and the ground. The light in the Bridge turned red as an alarm blared.

[Emergency Protocol activated] Xerah voice sounded through the ship with less emotion than usual.

A powerful gravitational force came down on Faust and C-3, slamming them both on the ground. Faust groaned, struggling to move against the strong gravity force. He managed to tap his lap, causing six magic circles to appear around him.

"That's better." Faust mumbled, floating off the ground. "Woah!!" He shouted, barely managing to dodge a punch from C-3.

"Just come with us. You are wasting our time." C-3 shouted, going for another punch.

"You wish! I don't even know who you are. Haven't your father ever thought you of not following strangers!?" Faust shouted, jumping up in the air as a platform appearing beneath his feet. He floated higher in the air, looking down at C-3, who was frowning at him. "What's wrong? Can't reach me?"

"You!" C-3 shouted, jumping to Faust.

[Emergency protocol 2, activated] Xerah voice sounded.

A greater gravitational force came upon them, forcing C-3 to the floor. The purple magic circle around Faust sparked with purple lightning as it struggled to go against the intense pull.

"What is this place?" Faust shouted, clapping his hands as more purple magic circles appearing around him.

C-1 stood up with a groan as Xerah announced once more.

[Emergency protocol 3, activated]

"There more!?" Faust shouted, all his magic circle breaking as he slammed onto the ground. Thin purple skin around him cracking, causing him to spit out blood.

C-1 started getting up, the gravitational pull not affecting her a bit, causing Xerah to once more announce.

[Emergency protocol 4, activated]

This time, the gravity force didn't get any stronger. Instead, multiple rings shot out the wall, locking together as they held her in place. Another one came from the ceiling, slamming her to the ground. She let out a roar, her eyes glowing red as she struggled to free herself from the bind.

[Emergency protocol 5, activated. Elimination of target]

Multiple blue octagons came out the wall, surrounding C-3 who was still struggling to free herself. They started charging a blue beam, ready to fire just as an unknown voice came.

"Stop it, Xerah."

[Hello Operator. Good to see you here] Xerah said, his voice instantly switching from his emotionless killing machine voice to a less menacing voice.

The red light, the bearing alarm stopped as all the gravitational force disappeared. The rings binding C-3 flew off her, going back to the wall from where they came from, as she ran to catch Impulse who almost fell. Faust stood up, cleaning the blood as he looked toward the man. It was a shriveled-up naked young man, so skinny that you could see his skeletal imprint on his skin. He had long silver hair that fell to cover his eyes and pale white skin.

"I guess this is your father?" Faust said, performing some hand signs. "What is this frail man going to do to me? I am Faust. The greatest magician..." He paused, pondering about something before saying. "Except for Zatanna. But she doesn't count." He finished his hand-signed, making a gun sign with his right hand. Multiple purple magic circles appeared in front of his gun signal as he smiled. "Well, bye-"

The man suddenly appeared in front of him, their face nose touching. "I am warning you." He said, reaching and picking up Faust by his neck. "You are going to do what I want."

[Operator, why don't you control him?]

"That's not how it works. I can't control someone and make them use magic if I don't know how it works. Is like controlling a puppet. You can't make them do tricks you don't know." The man said, throwing Faust to the wall. "6 days, 0 hours, 1 minute, 11 seconds." He mumbled, falling face-first to the ground.

"You have great power. Maybe as fast as Flash?" Faust mumbled, rubbing his neck as he struggled to sit up. "But it seems like you are going to die soon." His eyes glowed purple for an instant, a smile appearing on his face. "Oh, a demon?"

"I need you to help me with something." The man said as C-3 helped him sit up. "Recharge my soul."

"A new demon, it would seem. Collecting souls is one of the basic skills Demons who can use magic should know. Seeing as they cast magic by consuming their soul." Faust said, his eyes glowing purple. "But you... Your soul is burning itself to CREATE magic, unlike others who burn their soul when the CAST magic. What ritual did you go to become a demon."

"Are you going to help me or not?" The man asked, staring at Faust.

Faust's eyes stopped glowing yellow as he smirked. "And why should I help a filthy demon?"

"If I die, C-3 here will kill you." The man said, clinching one of his fists and the other laying open on his lap.

"Hahaha. I am a soul magician. Do you know how many times I have revived myself?" Faust laughed, standing up.

"You forgot I am a demon." The man said, catching Faust's attention. "Based on your magic, your soul has been barred from entering the gates of Heaven or Purgatory. The second you die, your soul will appear in hell. I will catch you. Trap you. And torture you for eternity. If I am stuck in hell, you will be there with me, in pain, for eternity."

Faust was clearly shaken by this and asked, "Wh-what makes you think you will catch me?"

"Oh, I know I won't catch your soul on the first try." The man said, a sinister grin appearing on his face. "But I trust me little girl here would do the job. She is Immortal. She can't die unless killed. For the rest of eternity, you will spend your time being killed, chased around in hell, revive, only to DIE again. Again and Again. You won't be leaving this ship. And soon, you will give up. I will catch you..." His grin grew bigger as his face deformed, his red eyes hidden by his silver hair glowed. "And a new game of eternal torture will begin."

Faust shudders at the thought of that. "What... How shall I be of your assistance?" He asked, not wishing to go through such fate.

"Simple. Use other souls to recharge mine." The man said, his face returning to normal.

"I don't think that can be considered 'Simple.'" Faust said, shaking his head. He has only performed soul recharge on himself and not others. Due to using soul magic, he sometimes absorbs a piece of other souls to recharge his magic.

"Try." The man said with a small smile.

"Ok...?" Faust said in a questioning tone. "Well, we need to go somewhere with life. Like, Earth."

"Xerah, take us to the nearest planet with life and enter stealth mode." The man yawned, "I will sleep..."

[Operator, I won't recommend that. We have arrived at one of Saturn's asteroids in its belt. The one with the most population, numbering at 2'208. Would that be enough?]

"Yes, it will." Faust waved away, sitting crossed-legged. He reached forward, a purple magic circle a book appearing in his palm.

Closing his eyes, he floated up in the air with the book in front of him as it started flipping through many pages. It stopped at one page, the ruins on the page floating out and surrounding him in a similarly random pattern. He stayed in that position for days, sometimes the books would flip, some ruins returning to the books, and others coming to join the remaining. Impulse stat, leaning on C-3, as he watched Faust, keeping mind of every ruin that comes, stays, and go to look into later.

On the third day, strong purple magic energy erupted from his body as he started mumbling unknown words. A wide purple magic circle appeared below the man, who pushed C-3 away, a grin on his face. He closed his eyes as another magic circle appeared below the ship, this time, not camouflaged. Multiple purple lightning came down on some of the inhabitants from the magic circle, literally sucking their souls out of their bodies.

Their soul was absorbed by the magic below the ship, automatically transferring to Impulse on the ship. His eyes glowed purple as 10 souls transferred to him, recharging his soul.

"Well, that should fix everything." Faust said, falling to the ground, the book falling on his head.

"Wait. It is over?" The man asked, looking over to Faust with longing eyes.

"What? You want more souls?" Faust asked, gasping for air.

"No. I thought it would last longer since, you know, soul magic." The man said, sitting crossed-legged.

"You demons are all stupid." Faust mumbled, sitting up.

"Well, I am Impulse. Nice to meet you, teacher." Impulse smiled, stretching.

"Nice to meet you-- wait, what? Teacher!?" Faust shouted, looking up at Impulse, who was still shriveled up form.

"Yes. You will be teaching me magic." Impulse said, standing up and walking next to Faust. He picks Faust up, hugging him. "Especially that soul absorption trick of yours. Seeing as my soul is still burning to make magic, it is essential."

Faust shivered, wondering what he just got himself into. "Yea-yeah..."