KISS (Keep It Simple Genius)

Wanda was just fixing to go summon Jessica when her and Dawn were shocked to see Jessica appear in front of the door and breathlessly say, "You guys wanted me? Sorry for being out of breath but I came running as soon as I felt y'all's focus on me and talking about some type of testing."

Dawn then turned to Wanda and said, "Looks like she's obviously got the teleportation talent."

Confused, Jessica asked, "Tele- what?"

Wanda explained, "Teleportation. Basically you transported yourself from your room to this room instantly."

"But I thought I had ran the whole way?!" Jessica exclaimed, "I mean I ran out my door and then ran around the corner and then down the hall to here! How does that make me a tele-whatever?"

Wanda gently smiled and asked, "When you went to run around that corner you had to open a door first right?"

"Yeah. And?" Jessica warily replied.

Wanda nodded her head and kindly explained, "I am fairly sure that you teleported up here when you opened that door, or when you were going through it, because your room is on the 3rd floor but this office is on the 5th floor. Therefore, unless you had told us that you had also ran up a bunch of stairs on your way up here, you would have had to teleport yourself up here at some point during your short run."

"Well it sure feels like I ran up a bunch of stairs to get here." Jessica testily responded as her breathing started to slow back to normal levels.

"Either way," Dawn confidently replied, "No matter how hard it was for you to perform the talent, it's still teleportation."

"So I'm a jumper?" Jessica asked in disbelief, "And why do you gotta use those complicated words? Why can't you just use words that I'd understand instead of all those fancy, scientific sounding words you keep spouting off at me like I know how to speak your language or something?!" She added.

"Ooooo....kayyyy...." Dawn drawled as she answered. "I guess it would be easier to explain it that way instead of having to give new rookies like you a boring science lesson on what their talents are called as we're trying to teach them how to use their talents." She then asked, "So what do you call your other talent then?"

"The mind reading thing you say I have I think of as being a listener." She answered.

"OK What about someone that could use their mind to move stuff?"

"That's easy," Jessica replied, "That's a mover or, if they could move big stuff or lots of stuff at one time, I'd call them a trucker."

"I think mover would be a better description than trucker." Dawn supplied. "Now how about your ability to heal faster than normal?"

"I'd just call it a healer." She answered.

"Hmm. I kinda like your descriptive labels better than the official, scientific labels." Dawn sighed. "Are there any other abilities that you have names for?"

"Well...." Jessica began, "I don't know if it's a full blown ability, but I call my brother a thinker because when he's doing his physics stuff it seems sometimes like he can see right inside it with his mind better than the instruments he's using can. And he's got two girls working for him that I think of as feelers because it seems like they always know how you're feeling and all. And sometimes they even know how you're feeling even before we know how we're really feeling. Other than that, the only other thing I can think of would be if somebody was able to take stuff, like rocks or junk, and then make it take a particular shape like a room or a door or something like that I'd probably call them a builder."

"Interesting." Dawn mused. "I'm definitely interested in meeting your brother and his workers now."

"Especially given the talents those two girls have." Wanda added.

"First though," Dawn interjected, "We need to see if you have any other new or returning talents. So why don't you follow me downstairs to a more secure room to do it in."

A short while later all three were in the basement room and had started testing Jessica's talents. After going through all of the other talents, they lastly had her use her 'listener' talent. As they had her use the talent they noticed that it didn't demonstrate as strong as it had that morning. Frustrated, Jessica told them she was really tired and could barely bring forth her talents anymore and likened it to feeling like she had been running a marathon. Dawn and Wanda agreed that they had pushed her rather hard but she was surprisingly one of the only other ones besides Dawn that had possessed more than one or two talents. Dawn admitted to also feeling tired after demonstrating and then testing the various talents and so they ended their session and went back upstairs to eat dinner, get some rest, and then redo the testing for the last couple talents at some point the next day.

Before going to bed, Dawn went over to her dad's rooms. After he welcomed her in and he had told her about what they had learned from the procedure they had performed on the girl and the testing they had done afterwards, he then asked her about what she had done with her day. Dawn worriedly replied, "I was checking up on the girl you tested the other day and we could be looking at a major problem with her."

"How? She tested just fine and didn't have some allergic reaction or one of those strange psycho effects! So how is she gonna be a problem?" He asked angrily.

"Dad, the problem isn't in the reaction to the drug." Dawn quickly answered.

"So what's the problem then?" He grumpily asked.

To which Dawn hesitantly replied, "The problem Dad is the guys that picked her up got sloppy."

"How?" He asked startled, "They said they nabbed her outside some bar like they have with all of the other subjects." He added.

"That's the thing dad," Dawn told him, "She's only 15 years old. She had been in the bar because some group of college kids were flirting with her and had snuck her into the bar thinking if they got her drunk they'd get lucky. Apparently those guys weren't happy when they all got inside and found out about her not liking the beer enough to get wasted so bad they could get her to put out so they kicked her out. Then our guys picked her up a couple minutes later as she was walking away."

"Great!" Her dad grumbled. "I thought she looked kind of young but I didn't think that the guys would screw up and kidnap an actual kid."

"There is a possible benefit to the situation though." Dawn supplied.

"What? Like she had some terminal disease or something and we cured her?" He dejectedly asked.

Dawn gave him a pityingly smile and told him, "No. She had run away from home and was here to find and hoped to stay with her brother. And I found out that this brother owns some type of gadget or technology company. So if we turn her over to him and we spin it like we rescued her from those guys and maybe throw in that they had been trying to dope her with some date rape type drug and take advantage of her or something he would be thankful. And we might even be able to convince him that we brought her here to flush the alcohol and date rape drug out of her system because they made her drink too much and almost killed her."

After her dad took a second to process the information, he pondered out loud, "So even if the news gets ahold of it, we might be able to say that our drug saved her life and maybe speed up the approval process!"

"It's a possibility." Dawn replied. Then added, "But I think it would be best if I was the one that delivered her to her brother."

"NO!" Her dad exclaimed. "You know I don't like you going into the city by yourself!"

"Dad," Dawn soothed, "He doesn't live in the city. And having the CEO's young daughter bring her would also help convince him that we did it to help the girl. Whereas older business or doctor types would make it harder to get him to believe the rescue story because they would make it look like a publicity stunt or like a straight up scam."

After a minute of grumbling her dad finally agreed with, "Alright Fine. But be extra careful and try not to say anything his lawyers could use to hit us up for money. The company may be doing pretty good with all of the medications we've gotten approved over the years, but we don't want to end up having to give him a bigger paycheck every year than they give me, the CEO."

"I'll be careful dad. And I know how to avoid giving him our checkbook." Dawn gladly agreed.

She then went to her room, contacted Jessica mentally, and sent her the good news. Then she eagerly slipped into her bed and quickly fell asleep after a day that had tired her out almost as much as it had Jessica.