Take The Heat

As they appeared before Pastorus they visibly could see him with his skin burnt so badly that it had started to blacken and the blisters that had formed underneath were bursting through it. Yet, despite the obvious pain, Pastorus was continuing to calmly sit with his legs crossed and his hands held in prayer. Walking up to him, Dawn berated him saying, "Looks like your little plan didn't work so well did it?! You thought you'd be jumping back home a minute after we walked away but you're still here roasting away. So have you at least started learning a little bit of humility? Or is that big old ego still getting in the way of some common sense?"

"My faith alone is strong enough to withstand any torment the demon you worship as a god tries to inflict upon me. So I will continue to sit here and endure any pain and all pain because I know I will soon be seeing the one and only true God." Pastorus arrogantly answered.