
A minute after ringing the bell one of Heflin's maids answered the door dressed in only a string bikini that barely covered her nipples and vagina. Smiling as cheerfully as she could, the maid greeted them, "Hello sweet Michael! And greetings to your companion too! Please come in!"

As she lead them into the house she asked, "Have you come to join today's orgy? Or do you want me to get our new cook to make you your favorite peach cobbler?"

"New cook?" Michael asked, "What happened to Julie?"

"Master Heflin replaced her because one of her dishes splashed some grease on her and burned her enough to leave a scar." the maid answered trying not to sound sad or fearful, 'And when he noticed the scar on her breast he fired her because he said she had ruined perfection and he wanted himself and all of his guests to be able to see only the best that was available."