Setting Up For Key Testimony

With it being late evening Greg went to the ships bridge with all of the command consoles and asked, "Angie dear, could you tap into Heflin's camera in this one's mirror and separate it out to a separate feed? That way we can go visit and do some questioning when she gets done with this client."

"Any particular reason for this one?" Angie asked as she accessed the mirror for the name and address he had given her, "Cause he's got like almost fifty of these cameras out there. So you've got more than just one to question if you're help the prosecutors and already have the questions asked that a jury is likely to ask."

"This one is special. She started out as an undercover agent until Heflin's influence ability and his 'training' he does compromised her identity." Greg shared, "So she will show the jury the lengths to which Heflin will go and it also gives them a witness they know they can trust her testimony."