Katy's Interrogation Continues

"We will here in a minute." Greg told her, "But first I want to know if you ever get clients that are able to do a recognizable pattern without making mistakes?"

"Ironically no!" Katy told him with a laugh, "They always make a mistake of some type when doing it so I thought it was just how Heflin would tell them to ring it so I would know it was a client at the door instead of a salesman or something."

"Hmm... Interesting..." Greg said as he thought about any other questions to ask before moving on to the next phase of questioning then asked, "And what about when Erik comes over? Do you hear him ringing the doorbell?"

"No!" Katy said with a laugh as she punched Erik in the shoulder, "He always shows off his FBI skills by sneaking in and surprising me with a hug! And if he wasn't so nice and so committed to not cheating on his wife he'd take advantage of me cause he always seems to find me when I'm walking around the house naked!"