The art of seduction Part2

Sylvia bit her lips and took the next step up the tree, having somewhat reached the low hanging branch that she was aiming for.

There were three ripe looking green berries on it. Sylvia had tasted this fruit before.

Especially considering the light yellow hue mixed with the green color, she knew that these would probably satisfy the devil's tongue.

Huff. Huff. She panted and tried to calm herself down.

Prior to today, she had never ever thought that climbing a tree and pulling herself up required so much energy and effort.

She took another deep breath and tried to reach the branch when something small and sharp poked her leg.

Her dress was caught in one of the scabs covering the trunk, revealing her long and slender legs.

They had small red bruises on them which seemed fresh and were probably a result of the adventure she was currently on.

Sylvia winced in pain as blood dripped from the most recent scratch.