I can also roar Part3

"Didn't our plan go well yesterday? We didn't even have to serve that Priscella bitch. So why are you still upset?" Jenny asked.

"Ughh… Don't talk to me about that rich slut. Always clinging to his highness so shamelessly."

"Sorry, dear. I know that she whipped you last time for some stupid reason."

"Bah! Don't remind me about it. I am already ticked off plenty by that damned slave."

"Who? Sylvia?" Jenny furrowed her brows. She didn't understand why her friend would be so upset about such a sweet and gentle girl.

"That bitch has a tongue by the way. She was talking back to me arrogantly just now."

"I think she slept with his highness. I saw her coming out of the east tower this morning."

"She was even wearing the same clothes."

"Ha? Really? But that doesn't sound very believable? His highness is…" Jenny's voice trailed on, unable to believe Ana's words.