First Clan Meeting

A week later, after everyone returned to the royal palace and Sylvia was resting peacefully in the comfort of her chamber and servants, the King received a letter from the elders.

"Damn it. This is exactly what I did not want to happen." Frederick Akhekh crumpled the neatly beautiful crafted handwritten letter and tossed it onto the face of the messenger lizardmen, who trembled in fear.

In fact, everyone in the courtroom trembled in fear because it had been a while since they had seen their King so angry.

Without any other explanation, Frederick Akhekh stood up from the throne and abruptly stormed toward one corner of the palace, the chamber of the newly arrived fourth princess.

News started spreading that something huge was going down, putting Melissa in a particularly good mood. "Serves her right." Melissa sneered.

After hearing that her newest sister was not as powerless as she would like her to be, this was good news for Melissa.