Commander Finley

Ascian and his army stood up, the smell of blood inciting them greatly. Usually, they had great control over their blood lust. However, seeing the way the humans did not care about each other, they could not repress their thirst. All they wanted to do taste the delicious nectar that was inviting them. Their eyes had turned a deeper shade of red in hunger, and Ascian was certain that if they continued to stay at the battleground, his army would lose control.

"Army, let us leave from here. We do not want blood on our hands." He warned them, his low voice hypnotizing them to listen to them. All the vampires' eyes snapped to him immediately, and he shook his head, manipulating their minds to listen to him, instead of their bloodthirst.

The vampires stood rooted to their spot, and the instant their Lord started walking away from the battleground, they followed him, without blinking. But even before Ascian could get away from the group of humans, they encountered a stranger who had his bow and arrow pointed at them. "Where do you think you are running off to?" The man's questioned, his voice laced with arrogance.

Ascian titled his head at the man, not budging from his spot. However, this action of his irked his opponent, and he glared at him. "I must applaud your courage for trying to meet me in the eye. Do you think you can escape after humiliating me?" The man bellowed, his loud voice hurting the Lord's ears, and he closed his eyes, bearing the gruff noise.

"I advise you to tone your voice down. It's irritating me." Ascian suggested, his words stunning his army.

'Why is he lowering his regard for a mere, useless human?' They wondered, and many among them even had the urge to rip the man's head off for disrespecting their Lord. However, they stood still, for the Lord was still controlling their minds.

"How audacious of you to talk back at me!!! Don't you know who I am? I am Finley, the great Commander of Ingora." The human seethed, and by now, Ascian had had enough of the man's madness. With his eyes narrowed, he gave him one look, and that was all it took for the human to drop to his knees and bow at Ascian.

"I apologize for my foolishness, Milord. I had been blinded by my ego. Please forgive this mere slave of yours." His sudden change in demeanor did not surprise Ascian, and he walked by him, without speaking another word, his army following him closely. Once they were away from the battlefield, Ascian started to run, commanding his army in their minds.

'Follow me.' And in an instant, the place was devoid of any vampire. The army had vanished with their Lord, leaving the humans to fight their own battle.

Meanwhile, Finley stayed in his position bowing on the ground, and his strange behavior bewildered the humans. They had seen the way he had stopped a group that had men, women, and children, making them wonder why the women and children were here at the battleground. It was not a place for them to be.

But what surprised them more was when their Commander kneeled on the ground before the group and bowed at them. This was the first time they were seeing Finley bow at someone who was not their king. The war was still ongoing, and even the infantry from their enemy kingdom, Nethilor, were amazed to see the great Commander of Ignora kneeling. They were suddenly intrigued by the group who had humiliated him this harshly.

Unable to see their Commander embarrassing himself anymore, some of his soldiers hurried to him. "Commander Finley." They called out to him. But there was no response. The man remained frozen in his spot.

"Commander Finley," The tried again, and one of the men even shook him to bring him back. Something snapped in Finley at being touched, and he blinked, confused at seeing his men gaping at him in concern.

The entire army of Ingora was distracted by their Commander's baffling behavior, and taking this opportunity, the soldiers of Nethilor charged ahead with vigor, killing their enemy one by one. Even before Finley could comprehend what had happened and why he was kneeling on the ground, he was surrounded, and one of the enemy soldiers pointed his sword at the man, the tip touching his neck.

"Commander Finley," A voice he was familiar with and loathed the most fell on Finley's ears, and he gritted his teeth in fury. "It is a delight to see you in this position. How long I had wished to see this day!!"

"Commander Blair," Finley seethed, clenching his fists and glowering at the man. He attempted to get up. But the soldiers beside him pushed him down, forcing him to stay in the position he was in. Even his men who had come to save him were being held captive, and nothing he did or said could save him. They had lost the war even before it had actually started.

"Don't make the mistake again. Your life is in our hands, Commander, and I wish to keep you alive for a long time." Finley did not miss the threat in his words. Yet, he was not scared. He was a man who had pledged his life for his kingdom, and he would do anything to protect it.

Commander Blair continued to taunt Finley, circling him slowly. He did not hesitate to mock the man who was better at him in fighting. Under different circumstances, it would have been impossible to insult him. Winning against Finley was difficult, and if not for the mystique group of people who had rendered him immovable, they would never have captured him. The crowd of Nethilor cheered seeing their Commander chasten Finley in front of everyone.

However, the man remained unfazed by it. He was not worried about being mocked by his enemy, for he was waiting for the right time to execute his plan. "If you are a true warrior, get your sword and fight me." Finley spat, his eyes not moving away Blair, who had stopped walking hearing the man's desire to battle it out individually. "But I am sure you won't. You are a coward who is not even worthy of being a warrior, let alone a Commander."

Just as Finley wanted, Blair was provoked by his words, and he glowered at him in anger. He padded towards him slowly and squatted down to meet Finley in the eye, and the moment he did so, Finley pulled out the dagger from his sleeve and stabbed him in the neck.