Five kingdoms

"What have you found out, Laird?" Ascian queried, running his tongue over his fangs, relishing the deer's blood he had drunk a few moments ago. The travel from Arran to the land of humans had sucked the vampires' energy, and they had to replenish it before they proceeded with their journey.

The moment they had landed in the middle of the battlefield, the metallic scent of blood had hit the vampires hard, and if not for Ascian controlling their minds, his army would have attacked the humans, ensuring a massacre in the place. He had used all his willpower to force them into submission, and by the time they were away from the humans' settlement, he was exhausted and weak.

The vampires had gone on a hunt to settle their hunger, and once they were done, Ascian sent his men to enquire about the unknown land he had never visited.

"Milord, the land of humans is divided into five kingdoms," Laird started. "Ingora, Nethilor, Ismene, Rioke, and Oryn. Ingora is the biggest kingdom, and Rioke is the smallest. The war we just witnessed," Laird pointed in the direction from where they had come to the jungle. "Was between Ingora and Nethilor."

"What about Ismene and Oryn?" Ascian continued to pat the little girl, who was deep asleep on his lap, coaxing her to sleep comfortably as he continued to listen to his man. Although the vampires were back to their controlled state after quenching their thirst, the children were still exhausted, and they had gone to sleep immediately after. And, the vampire Lord had taken it upon himself to look after the girl, whose mother was dealing with her infant son.

"Milord, Oryn is the farthest kingdom from here, and its ruler is a wise man. He takes care of his people well." Liard answered immediately, wondering what the Lord had in mind."

"And, Ismene?"

"Mi-Milord," Ascian lifted his head on seeing the man hesitate, his lips losing the smile he had a moment ago. He raised his eyebrow, compelling the man to reveal everything he had found out.

"What is it, Liard?"

"Milord, the kingdom of Ismene is about to perish," Liard reported, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Perish?" Ascian titled his head, waiting for him to continue, his face not giving away his thoughts.

"Yes, Milord. The people of Ismene are suffering the effects of a severe plague, and more than half the population has been wiped out."

"What is the king doing?"

"Milord, he has sought help from the other four kingdoms. But nobody is willing to help him, fearing the plague. They have isolated Ismene, forcing them to deal with the disaster themselves."

"I see." Ascian nodded, thinking about his next course of action. "Anything else I must know?"

"Yes, Milord. The kingdoms of Nethilor and Ingora have been at war for a long time, due to which the other three small kingdoms are enduring the aftereffects."

"After effects?"

"Yes, Milord." Liard did not continue, and Ascian too did not question him about it. He wanted to find out the details himself, although he knew it would take him a lot of time.

"Spread the information. We will be moving to Ismene after the break of dawn. From now on, it will be our home."

Liard nodded, unable to discern the Lord's intentions. But he got to work at once, conveying the Lord's orders to everyone. Ascian stared down at the girl and swept back her hair that had fallen over her face, his smile returning momentarily seeing her.

Ascian and his army needed a place to live, and the kingdom of Ismene had garnered his attention. 'If not for the plague, I would never have thought about Ismene.' He sighed, shaking his head, thinking about the humans' selfish behavior. Instead of helping the people who were suffering, they had isolated them completely, allowing them to perish slowly. 'How heartless and selfish!!!' He chided them, clenching his fist in anger.

The little girl on his lap stirred in her sleep, and Ascian patted her forehead gently, relaxing his fist, lulling her to sleep. His soothing actions stopped her from moving, and she went back to sleep. 'I hope I am doing the right thing.' He sighed lightly and closed his eyes, taking a nap in the meanwhile.

The sun descended at the horizon, and darkness spread its veil over the jungle. However, neither of the vampires was worried about it. They were the creatures of the dark, and their powers only increased in the presence of the murk.

The little girl's mother had taken her with her after putting her son to sleep, and Ascian was left to deal with his thoughts alone. 'I hope the Dragon Lord Yevhen has put the plan into action.' Ascian lifted his head, staring at the stars as leaned back on the ground. 'Who wants to ruin me, and why?' This question had been on his mind since the time he was held culprit by the Arrans.

Although he had put forth his innocence, the evidence was against him, and he had no choice but to accept the punishment. The Council had given him time to prove his honesty, giving him the benefit of doubt. However, even after days of pursuing the truth, Ascian and his army had not found anything that could help them avoid being framed.

Ascian's thoughts snapped when he sensed negative emotions radiating towards him from behind. It was the same kind of emotions he had perceived at the Council Hall, only this time it was stronger. He looked back to see who it was, but the area behind him was empty. Also, the negative emotion too had vanished in an instant.

Ascian pursed his lips, frowning at the strange feeling. 'Who was that, and why did I feel such an emotion here?' Ascian was sure that there were no other species around him other than his army. Otherwise, he would have sensed their presence right away. 'Was it someone from my army?' He wondered and wanting to find out more, he read through everyone's thoughts.

'Ascian,' He heard someone scoff, and the Lord narrowed his eyes, focusing his mind on the man, trying to hear more. 'This is just the beginning of your problems. With me around, I will never allow you to stay in peace.'

Ascian's eyes widened when he realized who the voice belonged to, and the man's face flashed before his eyes. 'Vulir, my brother, was it you who framed me?'