
The darkness of the night shattered when the sun slowly rose, its warm rays falling on the thick jungle where the vampires had resided for the night. Although the tall trees did trap some of the sunlight, it did not hinder the stray rays to make their way towards the group, which by now was waking up slowly.

Ascian had not slept the entire night, keeping an eye around him. His thoughts kept him company as tried to find his brother's involvement in his banishment. Although he wanted to question Vulir, he could not do so in front of everyone. He did not want to humiliate his brother before his army, especially if he was not the one behind his problems.

Ascian waited for everyone to get up, for he had some instructions to deliver to them. One by one, all the vampires made their way towards the Lord, who had not budged from his place since the previous night, wondering what the man wanted to tell them. When the last vampire joined the crowd, Ascian stood up and dusted his trousers, glancing at Vulir, who was standing right in front of him.

"Good morning, everyone." He greeted them with a pleasant smile, lifting their spirits by his gesture. Ascian knew how crestfallen his army was after being exiled from their home, and it was now his responsibility to take care of their well-being. I presume everyone has rested well and are ready to leave towards Ismene which will be our home from now on."

Although the vampires' were still disheartened by the turn of events, they still put up a bright expression, for they did not want to sadden their Lord, who already had a lot to deal with. However, Ascian could read everyone's minds, given his capability, and his smile slipped for a moment.

"I have some things to say to all of you." Ascian started, his expression turning grave and depressed. "I understand that the current situation is not in our favor, and this was something none of us had expected. It is my fault that I could not take care of my subjects. It is my indiscretion that all of you are suffering with me."

Instantly, there were cries of protest from the crowd, while some shook their heads, trying to deny his words. Ascian held his palm before them, stopping them from speaking any further. "Given the circumstances yesterday, I could not apologize for my culpability. So," Ascian took a step forward, running his eyes across the crowd. "I apologize to everyone present here." He bowed his head deep, putting all his regret and sincerity in his apology.

"No, Milord." Liard was the first one to object, and he dropped to his knees. Following suit, all the other vampires too dropped to their knees. "It is not the Lord's mistake, Milord. Please don't blame yourself for it. We were at a disadvantage from the beginning."

"Yes, Milord." The other vampires responded, nodding their heads.

"We never did nor will we ever inculpate the Lord for the predicament we are in," Liard added.

Ascian lifted his head and smiled gratefully at his subjects. "Everyone, rise." He ordered, and at once, his army stood up. "I am touched by your words. But I cannot deny that I am accountable for everything that happened in Arran. I could not stop my army from getting banished, and for this, I will always be culpable." Before his subjects could argue again, Ascian continued, "However, I promise you all a life similar to the ones you led in Arran, and I will make sure that everyone here will lead a comfortable life."

Nobody doubted Ascian's words, for he was a man of his word. He was an amazing Lord, and nobody had regrets having him as their leader. His amicable and compassionate nature had made his people love and respect him. They trusted him and his words, and this time too, nobody doubted his promise.

"Also, I will strive to ascertain if there is any way we could return to Arran." This time, the crowd cheered him, their faces brightening up in hope. 'I just wish I can live up to everyone's expectations.' Ascian thought to himself. He had never felt this helpless before. 'But I know I can overcome this with the support of my people.'

With that encouragement, he smiled at the crowd. Nobody by Liard noticed the grief and helplessness in his eyes. Though the Lord was putting a merry expression before everyone, only he knew what was actually running in Ascian's mind.

When the crowd's cheers died, Ascian started to speak again, this time focusing on a different topic. "My lovely people, we will be departing to the kingdom of Ismene shortly. Before we leave, let us replenish our energy for the journey is long." Even though they were vampires, the distance they would be covering was long, and they needed adequate energy.

The vampires had a long way to travel. The kingdom of Ismene lay towards the south of the jungle, and they had to pass by Ingora on their way. Liard had already collected information from the people of Ingora, and Ascian had prepared a plan, ensuring a safe journey to Ismene.

"You can hunt any animal in the jungle. But please refrain from attacking any human. This is not a request, it is an order." Ascian's voice turned heavy and intimidating at the end, and this time, he did not control their minds. He knew his army would follow his commands, and no human would be harmed by them. "Let us meet here after we are done."

"Vulir, would you mind going on a hunt with me?" Ascian suggested when he saw his brother ready to find his prey. His request surprised the man, and Vulir did not react for a few moments. Ascian had attempted to read Vulir's thoughts at many instances. However, the man had not revealed anything; his mind was blank.

Seeing his brother not answering him, Ascian snapped his fingers before him, bringing him out of his reverie. "Would you?"

"Definitely, Milord," Vulir replied, and Ascian smiled, hoping for his assumptions to be wrong.

The brothers took off and watching their Lord leave, the other vampires too started with their hunt. Ascian and Vulir wandered deep in the jungle, with the Lord one step ahead of his brother. They whizzed past the trees, the leaves rustling with their movement. Soon, the brothers spotted a deer in small grazing.

Vulir prepared himself to attack the animal when his brother stopped him. "Vulir, wait."

"Milord..." The man was surprised when Ascian interrupted him. "Is anything the matter?"

"Yes, we need to talk, and it is important."