Chapter -3-

Liu Angier and Yang Si Qi sculpting for the moment. They never know that their mother will be asking like that. Initially, Lin Qian Long sent a married proposal for Liu Angier, and her late father agrees about this proposal. But why suddenly Liu Angier's stepmother says that? To merry Lin Qian Long to Yang Si Qi. It's shocking to Liu Angier. How could her stepmother change that decision unilaterally when she already felt that Lin Qian Long was her destiny. And she was already expecting more for a beautiful wedding. But... why? Why is her stepmother doing this? Liu Angier does not know what she wants to do right now.

"Liu Angier, listen to me. I do not know why our mother says that! But I believe that our mother just joking, and everything she says to Lin's family is wrong," Yang Si Qi tries to explain to this situation, that everything that happens right now is wrong. Her Mother just to be joking.

In the main room of the house of Yang's family, Yang Ding Han--Liu Angier stepmother hearing what happen between Liu Angier and her daughter. She looks so angry, but she did not say anything.

"Uh, sorry, Madame Yang, how can the proposal we originally addressed to Liu Angier now turn into Yang Si Qi who must marry our son. Even though the mandate of your late husband ordered this marriage to take place between Liu Angier and our son Lin Qian Long. We can not do this. This is maybe miss understanding between you and your late husband?" Lin Qian Long's mother did not agree with Yang Ding Han.

"I am so sorry, Madam Lin, I just wanna say to you. That I and my late husband just have a daughter. And our daughter is Yang Si Qi. We do not have another daughter again," Yang Ding Han clarified about a family situation.

Lin's family looks so confused. Why did Yang Ding Han say that? If in the fact, Liu Angier is her daughter too.

"What your meaning, Madam Yang? You have two daughters, right?" question Lin Qian Long's mother. But, Yang Din Han looks laugh so harder, when she hearing questions like that.

"Sorry, Madam Lin, you are wrong. Liu Angier did not my daughter. She just the girl who comes into my home with all the bad luck she has. She just the daughter of my husband and another woman who I hate. Illegitimate children born out of wedlock,"

Hearing her stepmother say like that. Liu Angier crying, she did not know that she just illegitimate children. So, this is the reason why her stepmother so hates her? Cause of she just illegitimate children from her father and another woman? Liu Angier did not know, why her father can do something dirty like that. That's why her father says that her true mother die and her father married again with her stepmother in the past. So, everything that her father says is wrong? Does her father lie to her? Liu Angier did not know, who the truth and no.

"So, all decisions are yours, Madam Lin. I can not push you to make decisions about who you did not like for it. You will still marry your son to Liu Angier who is an illegitimate child, or you will marry your son to Yang Si Qi. As an aristocrat, you must know which decision is the best you can make for the future of your family.

Lin's family did not say anything, they just look at each other. While Lin Qian Long was speechless, apart from squeezing his two hands tightly. He loved Liu Angier, even when the proposal was first addressed to that beautiful woman. But he also couldn't go against his parents' decision.

Liu Angier lowering her face, she seemed to be smiling bitterly. She can't fight for anything, especially about her love. She could only surrender, in the end indeed her destiny would never have anything she wanted. Because the heavens don't permit that.

"Liu Angier, I--"

"I am fine, Yang Si Qi. And I happy for you. You must be the best wife in the world. And I know that you can do it without me asking like that. I love you. You are my lovely sister,"

After Liu Angier saying that she just go away. Walking to her room and spilled all the tightness that was in her heart. She can not live in this house again. Better to leave than to remain but be ashamed.

Be quick, Liu Angier packing. And she goes away secretly without anyone knowing.

So far so good, so that no one can find her. and she can live alone as a new human.


Chen Liao Xuan walking between towering thatch grass. In his sight, the peach forest still looks real. When evening comes, incised orange in the sky perfectly, then it shines into a peach color and contrasts with the green very vividly. Yes, Chen Liao Xuan never knew that the earth could be this beautiful. Until in the end, his ears heard a faint, terrifying scream, followed by a grin. And the smell of the demon nation has begun to smell its perfection. Chen Liao Xuan's two hands were tightly clenched, his jaw seemed to tighten. Now, was not the right time for him to admire the scene in this universe. However, now was the time for him to end the rioting that had occurred here.

He runs away to come to the sound source. And when he stops his step, he look at dozens of humans became a terrible meal for the fox demon and their pet wolves.

"What are you doing, Fox stealth! You killing a human who is not sinful. You deserve to die because you have violated the laws established by heaven. And I am the god of your eternal life-taker!"

Hearing Chen Liao Xuan saying it like that. The Fox stealth looks so angry. They looking for Chen Liao Xuan hatefully. Because they feel that their pleasure has been interrupted.

"Who are you!"