Chapter -19-

This morning, Angier was busy. She seemed to be carrying several buckets of clean water, and she took it to the kitchen. Some of the vegetables she has cooked and other side dishes.

Now she is no longer wearing the clothes of a healer because the great teacher Zhang Min Chu has given her a new job at this shrine.

Yes, she was not back home, nor was she accepted as the eleventh disciple by great teacher Zhang Min Chu. The Great Teacher knew that Liu Angier was not a man. But Liu Angier was allowed to be here, as the temple cook, as well as the shrine cleaner. But, Liu Angier didn't mind. Get the chance to stay in the shrine alone. She was so happy.

After she saw that everything was ready, Liu Angier immediately ran towards where the disciples of great teacher Zhang Min Chu were. She peeked at their martial arts practice. Then, Liu Angier quietly followed their movements and taught himself secretly. Liu Angier taught herself so that at least she could know how to defend herself from the evil people who had hurt her a while ago. Liu Angier didn't want to be weak anymore. She already felt how dumped her husband was, what it felt like to lose a baby in the womb, and how not considered by her stepmother. Currently, Liu Angier is a new figure. Liu Angier is a strong figure that no one ever dares to dump and hurt her again.

Meanwhile, Great Teacher Zhang Min Chu saw Liu Angier practicing alone. The woman was hiding to practice martial arts because she might be afraid that Zhang Min Chu would get angry. Zhang Min Chu seemed to be smiling, and he walked back to see his ten disciples practicing.

"You guys, repeat from the basic movements that I taught you. Because I want to see your progress in studying with me so far!" Zheng Min Chu ordered.

"Yes, Great Teacher Zhang!" shouted the ten students in unison.

They returned to their stances, prepared to start their basic movements.

Once again, Zhang Min Chu looked at Liu Angier, who looked happy, then he smiled again.

Zhang Min Chu also didn't know how Liu Angier have golden wings, even though the only ones with golden wings were members of the Sky Kingdom. Moreover, he did not expect a weak human like Liu Angier to be a great descendant of the heavens. That is impossible.

"Great Teacher Zhang, can I speak to you?"

Zhang Min Chu's ears caught the faint sound. Then, he left his disciples practicing. He flew towards a higher hill where there was a pavilion. Under the pavilion was a small river with dozens of beautiful tulips.

"What an honor to see the supreme lord in the Sky Kingdom here," Zhang Min Chu saluted, making the white-robed, white-haired figure dangling from the ground smile.

"Wouldn't it be natural if I met a Great Teacher as great as you?" said Li Qian Long.

"What do you need, Lord Li looking for me?" asked that, making Li Qian Long smile again. In Zhang Wan Chu's heart, he had a big question about Liu Angier.

"Next full moon, the Crown Prince will be here for a few weeks. Because he wants to practice inner calm with you, Great Teacher Zhang. I hope you can accept him as one of the guests who briefly stops by your temple," explained Li Qian Long.

"Forgive me, Lord Li. But what is proper for a lowly Master like me to welcome the Crown Prince of the Sky Kingdom? Is His Majesty the Crown Prince not offended?" asked Zhang Min Chu again.

"Don't worry, Great Teacher Zhang. The Crown Prince of the Sky Kingdom never had such thoughts,"

Zhang Min Chu nodded, then he looked at Li Qian Long again.

"Lord Li, can I ask you one thing?"

"What is it, Great Teacher Zhang?" asked Li Qian Long. He then sat on the chair in the pavilion while enjoying the scenery in Zhang Min Chu's shrine.

"In this life, shouldn't there only be ten holy humans born from the blessings of heaven?" Li Qian Long was silent, waiting for Zhang Min Chu to continue his questioning. "Is there a descendant of a great god? Or a member of the heavenly kingdom who has was sent down to earth for some reason? Or is he even reincarnating?"

"Why are you suddenly asking such questions, Great Teacher Zhang? Is there an eleventh disciple here who wants to train with you?" asked Li Qian Long in the end.

Zhang Min Chu was silent, and he hesitated. Should he tell Li Qian Long about Liu Angier or not. Because he still doubted what to do with her.

"Some time ago, a girl came to me. She disguised herself as a boy and begged me to become my eleventh student. I refused, but she stubbornly knelt in front of my gate. After that, I gave her a chance. So that she would know for herself to be my student, Se must pass two tests. In the first test, she must be a man, and in the second test, she must have descendants from the sky. But who would have thought, during the second test, it turns out she has golden wings. "

"So, she became your eleventh disciple, Great Teacher Zhang?" asked Li Qian Long curiously.

Zhang Min Chu shook his head. Then he sat in front of Li Qian Long.

"How can I make him the eleventh student. It's true if he passed the second test. But the first test she failed."

"What do you mean, Great Teacher Zhang?"

Honestly, Li Qian Long did not understand what Zhang Min Chu was saying.

"Since she is not a boy. She is a little girl who ran here because she would be killed by bad people."

Yes, Li Qian Long should have listened to Zhang Min Chu's words. From the start, Zhang Min Chu said that it was a little girl who came. Not a young man.

"And what makes me even more curious about her is because she has memories together with the Crown Prince of the Sky Kingdom not long ago."