Chapter -23-

Liu Angier went to look for firewood with Lu Yi Nan this morning. In the forest on the right side of Yongheng hill. The two of them seemed to be walking and occasionally collecting dry twigs. Make it at one point until the branches become many.

Lu Yi Nan seemed to be paying attention to Liu Angier's movements. For some reason, he continued to be interested in what Liu Angier was doing. In fact, in picking up dry twigs and collecting them, all the movements of Liu Angier were as subtle as those of a woman. Then Lu Yi Nan shook his head. What Lu Yi Nan doing wasn't true. He had to be able to differentiate between men and women now. She was going crazy just from continuing to observe Liu Angier even in such detail.

"Brother Liu, where did you live? You must have a family, right? Then why did you come here to seek protection from people who wanted to kill you?" asked Lu Yi Nan.

Liu Angier looked busy collecting firewood did not forget if Lu Yi Nan and the other students thought that Liu Angier was a boy. Liu Angier tried to change her voice so that it sounded big and heavy.

"I live on the border of Han city, Brother Lu. There I lived with my mother and step sister after my father died. I didn't know that my stepmother didn't like me and didn't want me there. So I decided to leave home. I left home, and I live in a forest full of peach trees. I don't know what kind of forest it is. Some full moon of my life is quite fun, and I met someone special figure in my life, "Liu Angier recalled how she first met Chen Liao. Xuan. A figure was full of miracles. A very handsome figure and with a perfect stature like a prince. The person who had made her fall in love. The person who had introduced her to the meaning of the word happy. Although, happiness is only in a blink of an eye. "But the figure disappeared without a word. Until I was arrested with soldiers from the Han palace. The soldiers said if the forest belongs to the kingdom, and I have violated the rules by staying and picking the fruit in the forest. So I was caught by them was tortured. Then I was taken by the soldiers into exile. But, before I arrived, I fell into a ravine. Fortunately, a healer helps me and saves me by the soldiers. It was the healer who told me about this Yongheng hill, Brother Lu. "

Lu Yi Nan was silent, and he didn't expect that Liu Angier had overcome so many obstacles during her life in this world. He now understood why Liu Angier had decided to go all the way to Yongheng Hill. Who would not dare to do it if her life was in danger? Moreover, Lu Yi Nan knew how unfair the rule of the Han kingdom was. They force something at will, no matter who is right or wrong.

"Brother Liu, you don't need to worry. Now that you are safe with us here. No one will ever be able to hurt you again. You can join us in learning martial arts, and you can protect yourself from evil people. Bad people like them. Although, I don't know. Why the great teacher Zhang doesn't accept you to be the eleventh disciple. You are the eleventh sister who is here for me, and other students also think of you as the youngest student of great teacher Zhang," Lu Yi Nan patted Liu Angier's shoulder. He smiled and tried to encourage Liu Angier. But as if there was a magnet, his hand seemed to feel an electric shock flowing as Lu Yi Nan touched the shoulder. Lu Yi Nan quickly withdrew his hand, and he looked at Liu Angier with a confused look. What happened to him now? Why does he feel weird like this? Why was being looked at by Liu Angier making his chest flutter? Lu Yi Nan hurriedly looked away. How could he thump in the eyes of a man? Lu Yi Nan was sure that he was going crazy now.

"Thank you very much, Brother Lu. You and other fellow teachers have been very kind to me, especially the great teacher Zhang. It doesn't matter if I am not accepted by great teacher Zhang as the eleventh student by him, I can stay in Yongheng Hill is enough. I am happy. Here, and what's more important than that is that I have you. You're like family to me. "

Liu Angier felt that everyone in Yongheng Hill was kind to her. Even though they are other people, they have me treat Liu Angier like family. A treatment was even better than what her stepmother did before. Liu Angier smiled, and she was very grateful if her stepmother hated her. At least she could feel life surrounded by good people, although Liu Angier had to go through many hardships in advance for that.

"Brother Liu, I think there is enough firewood. How about we go back to the temple. I'm sure that everyone is waiting for us to prepare lunch. Hurry back to things to do now," said Lu Yi Nan.

Both of them walked over to the pile of firewood. Liu Angier was about to carry the pile of firewood, but she was not strong. Lu Yi Nan looked surprised to see Liu Angier having a hard time carrying firewood. A man not being able to take firewood is a strange thing. But he didn't want to think further.

"You can't carry it?" asked Lu Yi Nan.

"Oh, this firewood is too heavy, Brother Lu. It seems I'll have to take it two or three times from here," Liu Angier replied.

Lu Yi Nan smiled, and he patted Liu Angier's shoulder.

"So, be a man who has muscles. So you can carry this firewood. Never mind, I will bring this firewood for you!"