Chapter -28-

"What are you doing here, Yi Nan?" Zhang Min Chu was angry when he saw the third disciple in Liu Angier's room. But he couldn't immediately give punishment and wrath to Lu Yi Nan, because after all, not a single student here knew that Liu Angier was a woman. If he was let go would make all his students suspicious. "Don't you know that every student here already has their room? Then how did you get to be in Liu Tao's room? Don't you know manners until you forget how to respect someone's privacy?"

"Forgive me, Great Teacher Zhang. It's just that last night, I really couldn't sleep. Because the tenth sister was too noisy with delirium. So I remembered that Liu's brother had his room, and when I was here, I saw his room was complete very spacious, warm, and comfortable. The bed is also large and enough to sleep with two people. So I slept with Liu's brother, Great Teacher Zhang, don't you choose to love like this. How about starting tonight I move to sleep with Brother Liu, only The next room is too narrow and cold, so I can't sleep well Great Teacher Zhang, "said Lu Yi Nan's half pleading.

"Breaking the rules I've made you know what the punishment is, Yi Nan. So come out, kneel while lifting a bucket of water until the sun is above your head. Don't even think if you can come to Tao's room again. Because if you start doing it. I have no qualms about giving any more than this. "

"But, Great Teacher Zhang, how can Little Brother Liu get such a large room and he sleeps alone while we only have one room and have to sleep together in a cold and cramped bed," protested Lu Yi Nan.

Zhang Min Chu appeared to be silent for a moment. This would make a sense of envy, was what Zhang Min Chu had been thinking. It turned out that what turned into her fear was true, and it was Lu Yi Nan's protest with this. If only Lu Yi Nan knew that Liu Angier was a woman. Surely he wouldn't get this angry now.

"For me, Tao is not one of you. Because in a Yongheng temple in any life, there is no such thing as an eleventh disciple. That is why I differentiate between them, both in terms of beds and so on. Don't you know yourself that Tao rarely follows? What lessons do I give to the ten disciples who are here? I give him a warm and cozy room for no other reason than because he has worked for us. He cooks for us, makes your beds, and sweeps, and does all the work. Rude here. Do you think it is still inappropriate for me to give him a comfortable bed? He doesn't ask us a dime. So you should be grateful that there is a Tao here. Since there is a Tao, you and your friends don't need to wash clothes. You don't need to take firewood and water. You only focus on learning martial arts and medicine, even cleaning several times a week. So stop being jealous of Tao. Because Tao has been working hard for us all this time. " Hearing Zhang Min Chu's words made Lu Yi Nan somewhat slapped. He felt guilty that he had jealousy towards Liu Angier. Then he looked at Liu Angier with a sad gaze. "Brother Liu, I'm sorry. Because I enter your room sneakily and did not ask your permission first. I also feel jealous of your room. I'm sorry once again."

"It's okay, but can you leave my room now? I want to get ready to go to the kitchen and cook for you," Liu Angier replied.

Without saying anything, Lu Yi Nan finally left. He came out of Liu Angier's room and received punishment from Zhang Min Chu.

Meanwhile, Zhang Min Chu looked at Liu Angier, who seemed to be holding her clothes very tightly. The woman lowered her head deeply.

"Miss Liu, is everything all right? Nothing happened last night?" asked Zhang Min Chu to make sure.

Liu Angier was silent for a moment. What should she answer? Even because Liu Angier was too tired to work last night, Liu Angier was like a dead woman. She didn't notice Lu Yi Nan's arrival, and she had absolutely no idea if Lu Yi Nan had done anything bad to her. It's just that, seeing Lu Yi Nan's innocent expression earlier and hearing Lu Yi Nan's words about the soft bolster issue. Like Lu, Yi Nan didn't do anything to her.

"It seems Brother Lu didn't do anything to me, Great Teacher Zhang. But there was a little incident this morning that woke me up. Apart from that everything, is fine,"

"Did that incident make you uncomfortable?" asked Zhang Min Chu again. Liu Angier lowered her head again, her cheeks as red as boiled shrimp now.

"No, Great Teacher Zhang, everything is fine," Liu Angier replied in the end.

Yes, she must be quiet. Was it appropriate for her to tell her that Lu Yi Nan had accidentally grabbed her chest and thought it was a soft bolster? That is a very absurd thing. And more than that, she would feel embarrassed to death if she said that to Zhang Min Chu. She was a woman, and Zhang Min Chu was a man. It would make absolutely no sense for her to tell the truth.

"Very well, if all is well. I'm sorry that one of my students did something rude to you, Miss Liu. After this, you need to be even more careful. Not only because your secret as a woman is known. But also because you women, and here are all men, it would be terrible if something untoward happened, " After saying that, Zhang Min Chu tilted his face again. However, he didn't look at Liu Angier. After all, he had to respect Liu Angier as the only woman here. "Now, get ready to start your work. I'll go out first," he said at a later time.