Chapter -46-

Chen Liao Xuan could only remain silent. He didn't move with Liu Angier's words. He didn't expect Liu Angier's answer to be so unexpected. How can it be like that? Liu Angier's response was entirely beyond expectation. How could her his ornaments belong to Liu Angier's husband? A gift from Liu Angier's husband's father and very precious. Was it all a coincidence? Chen Liao Xuan never expected that this would happen.

Liu Angier didn't say anything else, and she chose to leave Chen Liao Xuan.

It seemed she had enough to hope, and it seemed she had enough to pray to God for her husband to return because it turned out to be even better if her husband never came back forever. Because she still has the image of her husband, who is very pleasant, very warm, and caring. A husband who loves her so much. Not a terrible figure like this.