Chapter -94-

Tan Ye Xia was flabbergasted. How could he not? He saw Chen Liao Xuan in his health, carrying Liu Angier's unconscious body. Tan Ye Xia was very grateful for all that. How could it not? Being able to see Chen Liao Xuan and Liu Angier safely was a very pleasant thing for him. Tan Ye Xia ran with all his might, and even she had ignored what he had just experienced. A bad incident that made Tan Ye Xia look down on his own. But also, Tan Ye Xia felt grateful that the bad incident was probably just an imagination. Because Tan Ye Xia was too focused on the cave that emitted its red light, it made Tan Ye Xia feel goosebumps and remember the terrifying red-eyed fox demon figure.

"Brother Chen, are you okay? How about Little Sister Liu, is she also okay?" asked Tan Ye Xia with a panicked expression on his face.