NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 10: A Fateful Battle

(A brief intermission…)

Capt. Maeko: Glad to see that you're feeling better Jin.

Jin: Glad to be feeling better. Sorry to be the cause of all the ship's troubles.

Capt. Maeko: Now now, there's no need to blame yourself. The principality is the cause of all of this, not you.

Ja'Skaar: Hmph, speak for yourself. If it were up to me, I'd have you thrown off of the ship a long time ago.

Jin: That reminds me, how is the ship doing?

Capt. Maeko: Well let's see… Kira! Zach!

Zach: Ships systems are nearing maximum efficiency.

Kira: We're almost done with repairs.

Jin: Wow, I hadn't realized things were going so well.

Capt. Maeko: Surprisingly well in fact, but gotta take the blessings when they come.

Jin: Capt. Maeko?

Capt. Maeko: What is it Jin?

Jin: There's something really important I need to discuss with you.

Capt. Maeko: Go ahead.

Jin: Have you ever heard of someone by the name of Master Tazz? (Play the song Kingdom Hearts RE:COM- Just Wondering extended)

*Everyone gasps*

Baron Hampton: *Jumps down from the top of the ship* You mean THEE Master Tazz?

Capt. Maeko: The legendary and all powerful mind reader? The one who's skill in martial arts was unrivaled?

Alex: Everyone's heard of him.

Khan: He's the reason Sonjo and I took up martial arts.

Capt. Maeko: Why ask if I know him?

Jin: Because I know how to find him. I know where he is.

*Everyone gasps*

Baron Hampton: But that's impossible! He's been dead for over a decade now.

Alex: The principality killed him right before they took control of everything.

Capt. Maeko: Do you know just how much weight what you just said holds?

Jin: I know it's a lot to take on faith, but trust me. I know he's alive. I'll explain everything later.

Capt. Maeko: Hmmmm...

Kira: Captain?

Capt. Maeko: Well… If we're going to be looking for him, then that can only mean the Principality will be too. We'd better hurry. Kira, Zach, is the ship ready for departure?

Kira: The last of the checks have just finished.

Zach: The ship's ready to go!

Capt. Maeko: Alright then, let's get this mission underway. Everyone to your positions!

*Everyone rushes to their positions as Kira and Zach prepare the ship for takeoff*

Jin: Capt. Maeko, is it okay if I give you the coordinates? I need to recover some pieces of my mech.

Capt. Maeko: Yes, that's fine. Zach, would you mind helping him out?

Zach: Sure thing!

Capt. Maeko: We're gonna go ahead and move forward. You two catch up as soon as you are able to, and keep your comm links on.

Jin: Roger that, we'll be back soon.

(While the Blitzwing crew goes off looking for Master Tazz, Jin and Zach fly back to the site of the most recent battle. Meanwhile in Norahs...) (Play the song Chinkon no Kane mo Narasenai mama in the playlist)

Unknown voice: (Shenrei… Shenrei…)

Shenrei: *Feels someone calling out to him* (Who's there?)

Unknown voice: Is this the path that you've truly chosen to walk?

Shenrei: (That voice… it can't be)

Unknown voice: This is not what you were taught. This path you walk leads nowhere Shenrei.

Shenrei: (It is! But… I thought he was dead.)

Unknown voice: You have allowed your mind to be corrupted. You have become something you were taught to avoid at all cost.

Shenrei: (Do not try to lecture me! You know nothing of what I've been through since then! The amount of pain and suffering I've experienced because of everything that happened! You abandoned me when I needed you most, you couldn't possibly understand!)

Lady Shirina: Something bothering you Shenrei?

Shenrei: My master… he's… alive!

*Graves and Lady Shirina gasp*

Graves: Don't be ridiculous! He was killed many years ago, you know this.

Lady Shirina: Are you certain of what you've just said?

Shenrei: My name means "Spirit Legend" for a reason. I know when someone is alive.

Lady Shirina. Shenrei, do you know what this means? If your master truly managed to survive, then we must find him. He could turn the tide of this war in our favor!

Shenrei: With my abilities, I should be able to find him. I'm gonna need some men though.

Lady Shirina: Take all the men you need, take Graves if you must.

Graves: I must admit, I'm curious to know how powerful this master of yours is.

Shenrei: Then let's waste no time, we must begin immediately.

*They gather up men and then leave the base to find Master Tazz. The camera cuts between the Argo and the Blitzwing, both Shenrei and Capt. Maeko looking like tactful stalwarts. Meanwhile, back with Jin and Zach…* (Wait for song to finish)

Jin: Aww man, the mech is nothing but spare parts at this point. The main components should still work though.

Zach: What will you do now Jin?

Jin: I made plans for a back-up should the need ever arise. All the kinks haven't been sorted out, but it should be here soon.

Zach: I can't wait to see what the new one will look like.

Jin: Well with any luck, you and everyone else won't have to wait long.

Zach: Hey Jin?

Jin: Yeah?

Zach: A while back, that Shenrei guy said something about a NECRO driver.

Jin: Oh I see…

Zach: What exactly is the NECRO driver?

Jin: It's… complicated, and I think it'd be better if I explained it to everyone all at once.

Zach: Okay, I'll take your word for it. I just hope it isn't anything bad.

Jin: Heh, honestly I'm not so sure it isn't myself.

Zach: It has to be good if the enemy wants to use it for their own personal gain.

Jin: Ya know, that's a very good point. Alright, that's everything. Let's head back to the Blitzwing.

Zach: Yeah.

Masked man: Hold it right there.

*Jin and Zach are caught off guard, as someone is floating in the air confidently. The figure begins to slowly descend to the ground.*

Jin: Who are you?

Masked man: You're going to where Shenrei is, are you not? If so, you must take me with you.

Zach: And why would we do that?

Masked man: It is far beyond your comprehension for now. If you'd rather, we could fight right here and now. But I sense that you don't want that.

Jin: *Has an epiphany and then thinks*

Zach: *Looks over to see what Jin wants to do*

Jin: *Looks back at Zach and nods for approval*

Zach: Alright, you can come with us. But you better not try anything!

Masked man: I have no time for such childish antics anyway. Let's leave this place then.

Jin: Wait, hold on just a second.

Masked man: What is it?

Zach: What's wrong?

Jin: Zach, why don't you head back to the Blitzwing? I still have to wait on the back-up here.

Zach: What? Are you sure?

Jin: We'll both be fine, but I can't leave until I get the care back-up. When you get back in comm range with Capt. Maeko, can you explain the situation to him for me? Tell him it's very important.

Zach: Yeah alright, I can do that.

Masked man: Are we ready to go then?

Zach: Yeah, I'll show you the way back.

(Play the song Mobile Suit Gundam Wing- Endless Waltz theme) *Jin motions over his watch,and then waves them goodbye.The camera cuts to Wabba City, where an object blasts off into the air and begins flying towards Jin. The two of them get back in the fighter, and then fly back towards the Blitzwing. On their way, they see an object zoom right past them. The camera cuts to the Blitzwing, then to the Argo. Both ships getting increasingly closer to one another. The tension increasingly building up. Afterwards the camera cuts back to Jin, who's waiting for the object to arrive.*

Jin: *Watch beeps a few times* All right, it's here.

(A care package with a strange pattern covered in colors flies overhead. Jin begins sprinting towards the package while it slowly descends to the ground Jin opens up the package, revealing a brand new mech. This mech has an all new arsenal of weapons to choose from, and colorful butterfly wings protruding from its back. Jin gets inside of the mecha, and begins turning everything on and tuning all of the settings.)

Jin: NECRO driver online and activated.

*The mecha's eyes glows and beep*

Jin: All systems in the green, engines and thrusters at full capacity. NMC-425-NECRO, code name Nero. NECRO Mecha, Jin let's do it! *He flies off towards the Blitzwing. He looks back at what was once his original mecha* Just wait, this won't take long.