NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 11: The Ties that Bind Us

Narrator: Jin and the Blitzwing crew have finally reunited. Even better for them, they have managed to find and rescue Master Tazz. With Master Tazz at their side; Jin, Khan, Sonjo, and Skia' have begun some new training. Having their plans thwarted multiple times now, the Principality has to rethink their strategy. This gives the Blitzwing their own time to develop some new strategies, moves, and gain much needed rest. With this time to rest, anything can happen. And just like before, some things will never be the same again. (Play episode opening songs Fullmetal Alchemist Ending (Tobira No Mukou e) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

Narrator: Our episode begins not too far from the Blitzwing, at an undisclosed location. Jin, Khan, Sonjo, and Skia' are all currently doing some training. They have split up, so that each of them is fighting just one person. Jin is to fight Khan, and Sonjo is to fight Skia'. All of them in a decisive staredown, waiting to begin the training exercise. Everyone else is currently watching the four friends train. (Play [Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood] Scandal - Shunkan Sentimental (Full lyrics))

Ayumi: *Excited* Oh man, this looks like it'll be really intense!

Baron Hampton: *Excited* It's a good thing I brought some popcorn.

Ja'Skaar: *Steals some of Baron's popcorn* Ah yes, snacks are very essential. Good on you to make yourself useful for once. *Begins munching on popcorn*

Baron Hampton: *Angry* HEY! I never said you could have any popcorn!

Ja'Skaar: *Smirks* Well you never said I couldn't have any popcorn either.

Alex: I honestly don't even know how y'all are still alive at this point.

C: Perhaps it is because we are immortal?

Jin: You ready for this Khan?

Khan: *Full of confidence* Hah! I've been itching to test your strength for a while now. I hope you'll provide me with a real challenge.

Jin: Hmph, let's see if you can back up that bravado.

Sonjo: Alright Skia', let's see if you have what it takes to take me on.

Skia': Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you. Show me what you've got Sonjo.

Master Tazz: The time has come for you to test your strength. Begin the training.

(They all charge towards one another, engaging in an epic series of clashes. Each displaying their skill in their art of combat. Each taking turns going on the offensive, and playing rather defensive. While all of this is going on, everyone is observing and commenting on the training.)

Ayumi: Wow, they aren't holding anything back!

Zach: Yeah, this is getting very intense.

Kira: I hope that they remember that this is supposed to be a training exercise.

Ja'Skaar: Hmph. Even I have to admit, this is rather entertaining. They have gotten stronger.

C: Yes… Perhaps they will survive a bit longer than we originally thought they would.

Capt. Maeko: But something isn't right...

Baron Hampton: Yeah I know what you mean, I feel it too.

Fadra: Huh?

Alex: What do you mean?

Roux: It's so obvious that even I can see it. Just watch them for a bit longer, and you'll see what they mean.

(They all watch for a bit longer, and then pick up on what Capt. Maeko, Baron, and Roux were talking about)

Roux: You see it don't you? Not all of them are thinking of this as a training exercise. One of them is clearly of a different mind.

Fadra: *Concerned* But I don't understand, aren't they supposed to not hold back?

Capt. Maeko: Ordinarily yes, they'd have to treat this as if it were a real fight.

Master Tazz: The problem is that one of them is clearly trying to hurt the other, maybe even kill them.

Baron Hampton: There's so much negative energy coming from them, you can practically feel it in the air.

Roux: Such hatred and emotion seeping out like that… If this keeps up, one of them is going to get hurt.

*They gasp and continue to watch, keeping their concern in the back of their head for now. They witness one more final clash, before everyone jumps away*

Master Tazz: Alright that's enough, the training exercise is now over. (Stop playing the song)

Jin: Not bad Khan, you've definitely gotten stronger!

Khan: *Full of confidence* Of course, I always perform at the highest level. No one matches my work ethic and ambition.

Sonjo: Hmph, you just ooze confidence don't you?

Skia': To be fair, I think we could all agree that he does invest a lot into his crafts.

Master Tazz: You have done well. Your combat could use a bit of refinement, but your potential is limitless.

Jin: Did you have anything else for us to do?

Master Tazz: This exercise was just meant to gauge your potential, we can continue the training at another time.

Capt. Maeko: But before you all go, there is one important matter that needs to be addressed. Jin,I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. (Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix -Organization XIII- Extended)

Jin: Yeah I do… *Deep breath* Alright everyone, it's time I tell you about something really important. It'll help explain some of the things that's been happening.

C: Yes, high time…

Jin: It's something so crucial, that it must never be allowed into enemy hands. It's called the NECRO-Driver.

Sonjo: That Shenrei guy said something about that when we were rescuing you.

Khan: And if I'm not mistaken, I think we've seen this in action before.

Jin: That's right, you've seen it in action twice already. The first time was when I was fighting Shenrei, after we had decided to launch an attack. (Brief flashback showing the events) The second time was when you all came to rescue me with Skia'.

Skia': More like I was here to rescue them, right Sonjo? *Smirks*

Sonjo: I uh… I don't know what you're talking about!

Khan: *Gives Sonjo a playful pat on the back* Shall we leave you two alone?

Ja'Skaar: Maybe we can get back to the more pressing matters?

C: Like maybe what exactly is this "NECRO-Driver"?

Baron Hampton: Hmm… Perhaps?

Sonjo: And what does NECRO mean? Is it an acronym or something?

Jin: It's quite a bit to explain, but I'll do my best to condense all of it. NECRO stands for the Neuro Emotional Calculating Range Omitter. The NECRO-Driver is a technology system designed to allow the user to make the most of their talent. It sends numerous amounts of data to the user's brain, giving them multiple responses and outcomes based on their situation. Because of this, it allows the user to become instantly better at combat, since they no longer have to only rely on basic senses to guide them. This allows the user to choose how to best achieve what they want given their goals.

C: So the mech functions as an extension of the user…

Alex: *Impressed* WOW Jin, that's some hot stuff!

Zach: You have got to teach me how to make something so advanced!

Jin: *Nervous laugh* Uhh maybe later…

Kira: It definitely sounds like it could be very beneficial.

Roux: It also sounds like it could be very dangerous as well. So tell me, how do you manage to operate it?

Jin: You don't miss anything do you? Because all of the information that's being sent to the brain, the brain isn't able to fully process everything. Because of this, it requires strong willpower to control. If the user is indecisive about what they want, or simply can't handle all the information, they run the risk of overloading their brain. It can lead to temporary insanity, and even death.

*Everyone gasp*

Jin: On top of that, the driver is strictly tactical and logical. It completely ignores the user's emotions, safety, and the risk of damage to anything, including the user. Not only that, but the data it sends represents the limitations of the user and the mech. So if you stand absolutely no chance of winning, then the data you're shown will reflect that.

Fadra: *Worried* That sounds terrible!

Capt. Maeko: Can it be activated at will? Or do certain conditions need to be met in order for it to come online?

Jin: It's always online, but as you've seen before, sometimes it CAN and WILL take over. Do you all see why I was so hesitant to tell you? It's such a dangerous weapon that can cause more harm than good if the "right" conditions are met.

Khan: Yet it HAS saved us on two different occasions…

Sonjo: This is a lot of information to take in.

Baron Hampton: There's something that still doesn't make sense though. You said that it can take control of the user and can overwhelm them.

Skia': But how do you not only retain your power, but get stronger after being in life threatening danger?

Jin: That's simple. To compensate for the amount of strain and to reduce the chances of going berserk, I added the driver. You see, the whole thing is based on the NECRO system, but the driver is there to help reduce the stress by having it help manage my brainwaves. Also, the mech only serves to bring out more of my power. In the end, it is still my power that's being channeled and used.

Sonjo: *Lightbulb goes off* Ah I see! So by having it reduce the stress levels on your brain, you can essentially keep fighting for a longer time.

Skia': Which would allow you to be able to perform at a level beyond human capacity. (Stop playing the song)

Baron Hampton: *Weird anime dance while excited* I have to say, all of this sounds incredible honestly. With something like that in your repertoire, you won't even need us to help!

*Everyone groans and cringes*

Alex: But… Why does it sound awfully familiar though?

Jin: Oh, that's because I got the idea from watching one of my favorite anime series of all time. Despite all of the risk that comes with it, the benefits are too great to not use. (Shoutout to Gundam Wing, Top 5 Gundam series)

Ja'Skaar: It's about time we agree on something.

Master Tazz: Surely something so taxing can't be used forever, and will not always be available for you. It'd help you in the long run to develop your skills in combat and mental fortitude as well.

Jin: Yeah I know, I've got to train even more than Khan if I want to be able to constantly control such power.

Khan: *Confident smile* And let me tell you, that is no easy feat!

Capt. Maeko: Now that we've gotten all of that out of the way, it's time to develop our next plan. While I'm doing that however, you are all more than welcome to take a much deserved break.

Kira: A break would be nice, we really haven't had much time to rest.

Alex: Honestly with the way we've been fighting the Principality, this war will be over in no time!

Master Tazz: Your confidence is admirable, but don't let it blind you.

Ja'Skaar: I stopped listening after he said we could have a break. Now I can finally get back to my important daytime events!

Roux: *Annoyed* You mean eating cookies and taking naps?

Ja'Skaar: Yes, because both are very essential. *Speeds off*

Capt. Maeko: *Sigh followed by smile of relieve* It's nice to know that not even war can change some things. In any case, you are all free to do whatever you want. I will inform you when we are ready to go.