NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 11: The Ties that Bind Us

(Meanwhile at a shoreline away from the Blitzwing…) (Play Yui Ogura💙(Dear)

Sonjo: So Skia', it's been a while since you've joined us. How are you feeling?

Skia': I don't feel anything Sonjo, you know that.

Sonjo: *Annoyed face* Well that's totally not cryptic, you know what I mean Skia'.

Skia': I'm feeling like me, if that's what you're asking.

Sonjo: *Sigh* I suppose that's the best that I'll get out of you, isn't it?

Skia': It is, thought you'd have gotten used to that by now.

Sonjo: Some things you just can't get used to, even after so much time with them.

Skia': True enough, I still don't think I'll ever get used to seeing your ugly mug.

Sonjo: *Confident* Oh please, everybody in and out of this world knows that I'm the best looking guy there is!

Skia': That isn't really much to go by, most of the people in Wabba City are dead.

Sonjo: *Annoyed sigh* You're such a pain. You have an answer for everything, don't you?

Skia': I am, and I do. So tell me, what have you been up to while I was away?

Sonjo: Wait, you're actually asking about me?

Skia': Would you prefer I don't at all?

Sonjo: Well no, I didn't say that. It's just that you hardly ever ask about anybody.

Skia': That's because I hardly ever care about what anyone is doing. Most people are nothing more than question marks on life to me.

Sonjo: That is both the most dark and depressing thing I've heard in a while, and that's even with everything that's happened in this war.

Skia': So, are you gonna tell me or not?

Sonjo: Well there's been quite a lot of stuff. But the basic gist of it is that we've been training to try to put an end to the war. Everyone is either always at each other's throats, exhausted, or trying their hardest to stay positive.

Skia': Sounds like the effects of war alright.

Sonjo: *Confidently* And of course, I've been saving the Blitzwing from the face of death countless times! *Clenches fist anime style*

Skia': *Smirks* Oh really? Because when I returned, all you could do was stare in shock and awe. If that's any indication, then I'd say you have a lot to work on.

Sonjo: That's only because I wasn't expecting you to be there! Need I remind you that YOU were the one who left us in Wabba City? Haven't you realized? Your place is here so I can protect you!

Skia': *Gets up and walks a few feet forward* Really Sonjo? You know better than most that I take care of myself. I'm sick and tired of hearing about your constant urge to want to protect me.

Sonjo: *Head falls forward* Goodness Skia… If you hate me that much, why not just say it?

Skia': Because I don't hate you, you must have confused yourself with Jin. I still talk to you, don't I?

Sonjo: *Looks up shocked and slightly uncomfortable* Well damn Skia'...

Skia': I don't need anyone or anything to protect me. Like I said, I grow tired of you always trying to protect me. Even when we were kids, you would prattle on about "how you needed to protect me because you had to protect all that you loved". But you don't honestly think that you can protect everything and everyone, do you Sonjo?

Sonjo: *Defensively angry* I know I know! Honestly Skia, you're so terrible.

Skia': But…

Sonjo: But?

Skia': *Turns and faces Sonjo* I suppose that being different for a change couldn't hurt.

Sonjo: Huh?

Skia': I want to hear you say it again Sonjo.

Sonjo: *Confused* Wait what? But you just said you were tired of hearing me say it.

Skia': Even though we stand a good chance of winning this war, we don't know what the future could have in store for us. I just want to hear it again, before we face the future.

Sonjo: *Gasps* Skia'... *Confident and full of emotion* I will protect all that I love. I'm gonna become strong, so that I can protect all that I care about. I'm gonna protect everything and everyone, including you of course!

Skia': *Smirk* Hmph. You had better hold true to those promises Sonjo, because it'll take more than just ambition to realize those promises.

Sonjo: No worries *Points thumb at himself* I will keep those promises!

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sword Art Online Ending)

Narrator: And thus concludes episode 11, an episode to help explain some things in the story and progress others. I hope you all are ready, because next episode we kick things up a notch! There are still so many stories to tell, and so many adventures to be had. With both sides still aiming to achieve absolute victory, it's only a matter of time before they collide yet again. Don't forget to leave suggestions and ask any questions should you have any. The quest to get this story into a book and animation adaptation continues, but that will come with time.Thank you for reading this, and as always have a nice day!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)