NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 16: Time Can’t Heal All Wounds

(Stop playing the song) *Just then Ayumi and Jin back up after a final clash, and Baron Hampton pushes Khan away with his feet*

Ayumi: Excellent work Jin! You're a lot stronger than I thought you'd be.

Jin: I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe you aren't as bad as I thought you were.

Ayumi: You hear that folks! Our stardom is on the rise!

*A large group of people can be seen screaming in excitement while looking at a giant monitor in a city*

Khan: *Visibly angry*

Baron Hampton: Khan, is that all you've got?

Khan: (I don't believe this! A child who thinks that they're a steak, is more powerful than me? I won't allow this, I will not stand for this!)

Baron Hampton: Alright, I've had enough of this fooling around. It's time for me to get serious! (Play Dragon Ball Super - Vegetto Theme Song [Extended]

*Everyone looks in shock as Baron flies up a good distance into the air…*

Alex: Oh great, now what is he doing?

Baron Hampton: Ayumi! It's time for us to show them that new technique we've been working on.

Ayumi: *Gasps* OHHH I know what you're getting at big brother! Alright everyone, it's time!

Roux: Huh? Time for what?

Ja'Skaar: He can't be serious.

C: Surely no good can come of this…

Baron Hampton: *In a creepy and evil way* Heheh! (Time for me to REALLY raise the steaks…) *He raises both his arm in the air*

Ja'Skaar: *Gasps* What? Is he actually trying to do this?!

C: Baron wouldn't do that, he'll destroy the entire planet if he does.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Baron Hampton: Alright everyone, it's time to RAISE THE STEAKS!

Ayumi: *Looks to the camera* C'mon everyone, put your arms up in the air and raise the steaks with us!

Baron Hampton: People of the world, join me in my quest to raise the steaks all around the world. I can't do it alone, I need all of your help. Please, share your energy with me. Give me your strength!

Alex: Uhhh…

Zach: *Laughs* Oh I know what he's doing now! Yeah, there's no way he's doing it.

Kira: What's he up to?

Khan: Yes, please inform us.

Zach: It's an ancient technique exclusive only to the Sarlen. By focusing hard and channeling their power, they can create a ball of energy using the power of all life. The size of the attack depends on how much energy was given.

Jin: So what I'm hearing is that this technique is perfect for him?

Zach: Pretty much.

C: That was very good Zach. How does one as young as you know of this?

Zach: I spent most of my life in books. With the amount of books I read, I was bound to pick up something sooner or later.

Roux: How long is he gonna stay in the air posing like that? This is starting to get creepy.

Ja'Skaar: Either until he gets energy, or until he decides to stop. We'll see which happens first I guess.

Baron Hampton: Ayumi! Where's the energy?

Ayumi: I don't know big brother, let me try again. People of the world, please share your strength with us. Anyone who does will have the chance to meet us in person once we win this war! Please, share your energy with us!

*All across the world, fans of Baron Hampton and Ayumi gladly raise their hands in the air and begin to share some of their energy with them.* (A few moments later…)

Baron Hampton: *Gasps* Yes… I can feel it… Keep it coming guys!

*Above Baron's head, a ball of energy is now present. The ball continues to grow and grow…*

Jin: Maybe we should stop him before this gets really bad.

Khan: Is this not already really bad?

Alex: Barring anymore cringe, there is nothing they could do to make this any worse.

Zach: Save, blowing up the planet…

Baron Hampton: *Power up yell* (The ball of energy is now extremely large and could easily wipe out the planet if it connects)

Zach: He's going to blow up the planet…

Baron Hampton: *Evil laugh*

Ayumi: You don't know that! He could just be demonstrating his power…


Baron Hampton: *Evil laugh* Yes! This power is incredible! With this power, I can raise the steaks for all eternity! Nobody can stop me now!

Alex: You guys, we gotta do something!

Ja'Skaar: *Sigh* Fine… Just a second… *She teleports behind Baron and chops him on the neck, knocking him unconscious. The fans back in the city boo relentlessly…* (Switch to Mobile Suit Gundam OST 1 Track 20 - Prayer for Peace)

Ayumi: *Worried gasp* BIG BROTHER!

Ja'Skaar: *Descends to the ground carrying Baron* Don't worry, I didn't hit him that hard. He'll be up in a few hours.

Khan: "I didn't hit him that hard."

Jin: She says after knocking Baron out with one chop.

C: Well, Ja'Skaar is said to be stronger than Baron.

Zach: Said?

C: Ja'Skaar never bothers to fight, so all we have to go off of is what was said.

Alex: That makes sense I guess…

Capt. Maeko: In the meantime, I think we've all earned some rest. Why don't we all get some rest?

Khan: Agreed

Jin: Yep.

Alex: No more fighting today.

Kira: That was unnecessarily risky and scary.

Narrator: They all call it a day and head back to their rooms. Between their mission in Radeon, the betrayal of Skia', and Baron Hampton almost blowing up the planet, they all could use some rest.) (Play the episode ending songs G:Gundam Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and SAO Ending 1)

(Preview for next episode…)

Baron Hampton: Hi, it's me Baron! Last episode was really intense, I almost blew up the planet! Not only that, but Skia' betrayed us. The Principality continues to try and ruin things for us, but we won't let them have their way. Next time on NECRO-Driver Dawn, we take control! Huh? Baki's on? Hey, wait for me!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)