NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 20: Fear of the Future’s Past

(Play Naruto Shippuden OST - Prophet (Yogensha) + Crimson Flames (Kouen) (Just then…)

Shenrei: So, it seems your mouth has led you to the depths of oblivion again Sonjo.

(The four of them look surprised, and then see Shenrei appear from out of nowhere!)

Jin: Shenrei?!

Khan: What's he doing here?

Master Tazz: So, we finally meet again. Only this time, there's no disguise.

Shenrei: Ah Master, it seems I was right about you all along.

Master Tazz: I guess so…

Sonjo: What a surprise! It seems he decided to come check out how strong I am.

Shenrei: You can bark as loud as you want, Sonjo, you don't faze me.

Jin: You just HAD to say it Sonjo!

Khan: You really are the worst, you know that?

Sonjo: Hey c'mon! How was I supposed to know that he would just show up? Him and Graves just do whatever they want!

Graves: You rang?

(Just then, Graves appears!)

Jin: OH C'MON!

Khan: Are you kidding?

Jin: Alright it's confirmed, Sonjo is definitely the worst out of everyone.

Khan: Agreed.

Sonjo: WOOOOOOW! Can't believe my own best friends are turning against me!

Shenrei: Well considering that it's already happened once, I'm surprised you wouldn't consider it a possibility.

Jin: …!

Sonjo: *Slight anger in his voice* What do you mean… Are you talking about Skia'?

Graves: Wow, you really are dumb.

Shenrei: So what if I am? Don't worry, we've been taking GOOD care of her.

Sonjo: *Fuming with rage, he begins powering up* DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT SKIA'! *He charges at Shenrei with unrelenting rage!*

Jin: Sonjo, wait!

Khan: Why does he always get so heated whenever someone mentions her name?

Graves: And then there were three…

Jin: Well Khan, whaddya wanna do now?

Khan: Hmph, destroy Graves obviously. *He quickly goes into midnight blue*

Jin: Alright, let's do it!

*The two of them charge at Graves and they engage in combat.

Sonjo: You're going to regret the day you met me!

Shenrei: Would it be too late if I said I do now?

Sonjo: I'm gonna save Skia' from your Principality!

Shenrei: Heh, go ahead and try…


Graves: *Evil laugh* You boys are starting to lose your footing! Don't tell me that you aren't able to keep up with me now?

Jin: This is ridiculous! How the hell are we not able to just easily defeat him?

Khan: Please tell me you've at least been working on a new technique or something Jin!

Jin: No sorry, I got nothing.

Khan: *Growls…* This might be more intense than we thought.

(After a long time of fighting, Jin, Sonjo, and Khan are all worn out. Contrarily, Shenrei and Graves look as if they just started fighting.)

Shenrei: Unbelievable, I thought you all were supposed to be formidable. It seems my old Master has chosen some poor students this time.

Graves: You runts aren't even enough to make for a decent warm up.

Jin: I can't believe this is happening right now.

Khan: I know, what kind of trickery is this?

Sonjo: I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty much beat. I won't be able to continue this much longer.

Master Tazz: That's good, because now the training exercise is finally over.

Jin: Huh?

(The three of them open their eyes again, and realize that the last portion they experienced never happened, it was just part of the training exercise.)

Sonjo: Wait, what?

Khan: Where are Shenrei and Graves?

Master Tazz: They were never here, that was all in your mind.

Sonjo: So, us losing to them with very little effort…

Master Tazz: Never happened, more thoughts into your worst fears.

Khan: I'll say. Losing to either of those two would be VERY humiliating.

Jin: Especially Graves, he's nothing special.

Master Tazz: So now that you've finished, you all have what you need to continue to improve and push forward.

Jin: Right!

Khan: I'm gonna have fun destroying them!

Sonjo: And I'm gonna enjoy bringing Skia' back to us!

Khan: You sure that isn't more so just for you?

Sonjo: Of course not! What do you think I am, selfish?

Jin: Hmmm…

Sonjo: Don't answer that.

Master Tazz: Alright then, let's head back to the Blitzwing. It's time for us to put them on the backfoot.

(Play episode ending songs G:Gundam Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and SAO ending Online 1)

(Narrator: And thus concludes episode 20. They all head back to the Blitzwing, where they will unleash a new attack the likes of which the Principality have never seen. When we come back next time, we shall see just how much effect their training will have. Will they finally be able to unnerve the Principality? And will Sonjo ever get his mind out of the gutter? Find out on the next episode of NDD!)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)