NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 22: Holiday Special!

*Fast forward to the fourth quarter, and the game is tied. The teams have been tied for the last 3 minutes of the game, and there's minutes left.*

Lady Shirina: Alright team Shirina, listen up! You've gone good this far to stop us from losing the game. You have two minutes left, go get that win!

Major General Kabuto: *Sips drink and smacks lip…*


Jin: Again?

Roux: So much for not drinking.

Sona: HEY KABUTO! I'm warning you! If you don't stop your drinking, you'll be ejected!

Major General Kabuto: Not to worry, I'm perfectly under control. Alright team, the time has come to show why you are the main characters!

Jin: Wow…

Alex: That actually had some inspiration and meaning behind it.

*The buzzer sounds to let the players know the break is over. The refs blow the whistles to signal that play is resuming.* (Play Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: Track 57- The Final Showdown! - Extended)

Baron Hampton: What a game this has been folks! These two teams have been battling it out, and now it's neck and neck.

Ayumi: The fans have entertained thus far, and they hope to have an amazing ending. Let's see if they give it to them!

Fadra: I'm happy that I was able to witness such an amazing game. This holiday special has been a lot of fun to participate in.

Graves: Times like these are where stars make their money. It's time to see who will be the one to come up clutch for their team.

*Jin inbounds the ball to Roux, who begins dribbling…*

Baron Hampton: Roux with the ball,she passes it to Shenrei who posts up Capt. Maeko.

Fadra: Oh man, this is gonna be intense!

Graves: C'mon Shenrei!

Baron Hampton: Shenrei turns, puts up a shot… No good! Rebound taken by Sonjo.

*Sonjo sprints down to the other side of the court…*

Lady Shirina: Yes! Go Sonjo!

Khan: No! He's too fast! He's gonna score!

Ayumi: Wow! We've never seen Sonjo move this fast before!

Baron Hampton: Here comes Sonjo to take the lead!

*Everything goes completely silent, while everyone looks on in complete shock…

Baron Hampton: Sonjo's going up, up for the layup- OH BLOCKED BY JIN! Our guy Jin with the huge rejection!

*The crowd erupts in cheers and complete chaos…*


Graves: That's what I'm talking about! Big time players make big time plays!

*Roux rebounds the ball and immediately gets it over to Khan. Khan hurries and puts up a shot, but misses. Fast forward a little, and now there's only 10 seconds left on the clock with the game still tied…*

Major General Kabuto: Alright team, here's the plan. We're gonna line up along this line right here, single file. Once the refs blow the whistle, I want you to run to your spots on the floor. Jin, I want you to take the last shot. If you can't get open, look for Khan to be on the side, or Shenrei towards the middle. Get out there, and win this game!

Baron Hampton: This is it ladies and gentlemen, what should be the last possession of the game!

Ayumi: After a huge block from Jin, you have to think that team Kabuto has the momentum on their side.

Fadra: It certainly looks that way, but can they capitalize?

Graves: They better! I didn't sit out to watch my team lose!

*The refs blow the whistle to signal play resuming, and then the players began to move. Kabuto's team begins executing their plan…*

Jin: (If I can get enough attention on me, it'll free up one of them for an easy shot.)

*The clock winds down from 10 seconds. With 5 seconds left, Jin gets a screen from Kai, and takes a jump shot.

Baron Hampton: Jin goes off the screen, puts up a three… Won't go, rebound Shenrei, back out to Roux, it's good if it goes… GAAAAAAAAAME! It falls with no time remaining!

*The crowd erupts in a cheering frenzy…*

Ayumi: That's game! That's game! That's game!

Fadra: That's my big sis!

Graves: A sensational clutch shot from Roux!

Baron Hampton: What an incredible game from both teams! I don't mean to be cliche, but I'd say the real winners here are the fans!

Ayumi: You said it big bro! They got to enjoy a holiday special like no other! This is going to be our best episode yet!

Baron Hampton: Well folks, that's all the time that we have for everyone! Thanks again for tuning into our holiday special.

Ayumi: We look forward to seeing you all in the next episode.

*Everyone in the cast comes together to take a group photo.*

Everyone: *In unison* Goodbye!

(Play History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Ending 4)

Baron Hampton: Hey guys, Baron again! Talk about nostalgic, bet you all haven't heard this song in a long time huh? Today was really fun, it was nice to be able to spend time with everyone on the show. I know you guys missed Skia', but trust me when I say she was there! It may not seem like it, but she was definitely there. Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone for tuning into another episode! We wanted to do something special for you all since it's holiday season, and I think we did just that. From everyone here on the show, and those that help make this story possible, we wanna wish you all a very safe and happy holidays. We'll see you all next month, when episode 23 comes out. Goodbye!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)