NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 23: A Haunting Mistake

*Jin and Roux meet up with Baron and Ayumi, and they all get the items that they need*

Baron Hampton: Alright, now that we've gotten everything, let's go ahead and head back.

Ayumi: Right!

*Just then… Jin begins to act rather scared. He begins to tremble and stutter over his words.*

Roux: You okay?

Baron Hampton: Yeah Jin, you look like a deer caught in headlights. What could be making you act this way?

Jin: Tha-That's her!

Baron Hampton: *GASP* A woman?! Is she cute?!

Ayumi: BARON!

Jin: Those eyes… She has those eyes… Those devilish, sinister eyes!

*They look over in the direction that he's facing, and see someone Jin is all too familiar with.*

Baron Hampton: WOWZA! She's more than cute, she's a glamazon!

Roux: What is wrong with you?

Ayumi: Sorry, big brother has a soft spot for women.

Roux: So I've noticed…

Baron Hampton: Jin, that woman is stunning! Why is she making you act like a baby?

Jin: (Angry) You idiot, don't you know who that is?!

Baron Hampton: Someone who has GOT to be my wife! Hey beautiful, over here!

Jin: No Baron, wait!

*But before Jin is able to stop Baron, the woman notices, and begins making her way over to them.*

Jin: Oh great, now look at what you've done!

Lady Shirina: Are you the one that called me over?

Baron Hampton: (Cocky) Indeed I am!

Lady Shirina: So, what do you want?

Baron Hampton: Allow me to tell you my name! I am… *Does weird sequences of poses* He who does not allow evil! The champion mantis! The Great Baron Hampton!

Roux: *Sigh* (So much for being discreet…)

Lady Shirina: Baron Hampton huh? The legendary Sarlen?

Baron Hampton: Heard of me have you?

Lady Shirina: There isn't a soul alive who hasn't heard of you. Ya know, I've heard about your ability to… raise the steaks.

Baron Hampton: Ah yes, I am quite proficient at it.

Lady Shirina: Really? Perhaps one day, you could show me all about it?

*Jin, Roux, and Ayumi look on in disgust…*

Baron Hampton: Of course! I'm more than happy to show someone how to raise the steaks!

Lady Shirina: *Chuckle* I'll look forward to it, but it's time for me to go. Hey Jin, make sure Baron doesn't entertain any other women.

Jin: …

Lady Shirina: Good luck, bye.

*She walks away, meanwhile Baron continues staring like a lecherous perv.*


Baron Hampton: Hm? Huh? Who? What?

Ayumi: *Slaps in the rhythm of her words* Get yourself together! I can't believe you always act like that every time you develop a liking for a woman.

Jin: Wow, you know you're bad when Ayumi is calling you out.

Baron Hampton: Oh relax Ayumi, it's perfectly fine. Besides, I have a reputation to uphold.

Roux: A dirty one it sounds like.

Baron Hampton: HEY! I don't need to take this from you!

*Just then, they are surrounded by Shirinan soldiers…* (Play Near no Theme)

Shirinan soldier: FREEZE! By order of Commander Shenrei, the four of you are under arrest. Surrender and die!

Jin: Uhh excuse me sir. Don't you mean surrender, OR die?!

Shirinan soldier: Shut up! You'll be dealt with by Shenrei himself.

Roux: This is ALL your fault Baron! If you had been able to control your hormones for just 5 minutes, we could've avoided this situation!

Baron Hampton: Shut up Roux! You're just mad no one looks at you the way I looked at her!

Roux: Wait… Is that supposed to be insulting?

Jin: Yeah Baron, you looked at the woman like you had never seen a woman before.

Shirinan soldier: That's enough out of you! You're coming with us, now!

*Just then, a random bolt of lightning strikes down, and the ground erupts with a ferocious quake! A huge smoke cloud appears, and covers the area. After a while, the smoke cloud erupts, revealing Sonjo surrounded by the soldiers, all of them unconscious.*

Sonjo: Hey guys, what's up?

Jin: *Gasps* Sonjo?!

Sonjo: The one and only!

Baron Hampton: What the hell just happened?

Sonjo: Remember that bolt of lightning you just saw? Well that was me, and that was also me taking all of these guys out.

Ayumi: Incredible! You moved so fast I couldn't even see what happened!

Roux: I didn't think such speeds were capable, let alone from the state you were last in.

Sonjo: Believe me, I didn't think I would be able to move this fast either. But ever since being revived, I feel so much stronger than I ever have. I don't feel like anything is holding me back anymore.

Jin: Glad to have you back. Now, perhaps you'd like to help us on our way back? I need someone to distract me from the mess that's Baron and Ayumi…

Sonjo: Perfect, causing distractions is what I do best.

(Stop playing the song) *The four of them head back to the Blitzwing and meet Capt. Maeko outside.*

Capt. Maeko: There you are! And look, Sonjo's alive and well.

Sonjo: I sure am.

Capt. Maeko: But why did it take you all so long to get back?

Roux: Sorry, we only had to deal with Baron and Ayumi.

Capt. Maeko: Fair enough, I won't pry anymore. Let's get all of this onto the ship.

Jin: You guys go ahead, I'm gonna head to my room. I need some rest.

Sonjo: No worries Jin, I'll take care of your part.

Jin: Thanks, I appreciate it.