NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 30: The Mistress of Evil

*The Blitzwing crew continue on towards the coordinates, where they look to face the beginning of the end. Meanwhile, back with Lady Shirina, Shenrei, and Graves…* (Play Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 OST - Hidden Leaf Village (Destroyed)

Graves: *Grunts in annoyance* 

Lady Shirina: Something the matter Graves?

Graves: This is ridiculous! How long are they expecting me to wait?

Shenrei: In a hurry to lose Graves?

Graves: The only thing I'm losing right now is my patience. Where the hell are they? I need someone to come out so we can fight already! Where's the excitement? Where's the drama? 

(Just then, a butterfly begins flying around them. Only Shenrei notices…)

Shenrei: (A butterfly? What's it doing so far away from its natural habitat?)

 (It goes a bit away, before slowly descending to the ground. A giant smoke cloud appears… )

Shenrei: So, you're finally here…

*The smoke gradually disappears, revealing Jin, arms crossed and visibly pissed.*

Kira: Capt. Maeko, it's Jin!

Capt. Maeko: What?

Sonjo: No way, let me see!

Khan: Oh yeah, that's definitely him.

Alex: Bro is really him for real.

Sonjo: He looks even more pissed than you do Khan.

Khan: Which means he's about to do some serious damage. 

(Meanwhile in Takar…)

Taliah: Mommy mommy, look! There's Meesta Jin!

Mamiko: Jin… 

Taliah: I'm scared mommy. What if he gets hurt? 

Mamiko: Don't worry sweetie, he'll be okay. It's not just himself he's fighting for, but for the world itself. 

(Back with Jin and the Principality…) 

Lady Shirina: Jin, my darling!

Jin: Graves, Shenrei, Lady Shirina…

Lady Shirina: I thank you for coming to us. You saved us quite a lot of time and effort. 

Jin: *Annoyed* I aim to please. 

(Stop playing the song) 

Shenrei: (What is his power?) I sense your skill in martial arts has improved. You've received training from Master as well.

Jin: "Master"?

Sheneri: Did you think you were the only one? Like you, I also trained under Master Tazz. He was my teacher once. You, Sonjo, Khan, and myself. The four of us are sibling disciples. We're all from the same tree, which means we ought to be able to understand each other. That is what you desire, isn't it? 

Jin: (Angry) Tch… SHUT UP! You three have caused nothing but pain and misery! Myself, my friends, and all the others! You really think I'd be able to understand why you'd do any of this?!

Lady Shirina: But of course Jin. We know each other so well. You of all people should know about how important it is for people to understand each other. If we can't do so, then the world will continue to have conflict. 

Jin: Warmongers like you are the reason we have conflict! You're all nothing but heartless monsters!

Graves: You've got some nerve calling us monsters, you're the monster Jin! You're the reason we keep fighting anyway!

Shenrei: If you would just allow yourself to be captured, the war would end. No more deaths, no more pain.

Jin: I'm supposed to believe that?

Shenrei: Well, you can believe what you want. But deep down inside, you know the truth.

Jin: The truth… *Closes eyes, and looks down.* 

Ayumi: What is he doing?

Khan: Is he planning to take on all three by himself?

Baron Hampton: Nah, he wouldn't do that. He doesn't have that dawg in. I called him a swagless beast back then for a reason. 

Jin: *He shoots mean glares at them, his anger reignited* The truth is that I've had enough of the three of you! 

Lady Shirina: Oh? And what do you plan to do?

Jin: I'm sending all three of you to hell! I'm sure you'll fit right in there.

Lady Shirina: Now Jin… You know I love you, but I can't let you do that. 

Jin: Funny, I don't recall giving you a choice.

Lady Shirina: You fool, you really think you can defeat me? Me, the Mistress of Evil!

Jin: Yes I can. 

Lady Shirina: Then come. Come forth Jin, and best me.