NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 32: Passion of a Pitying Roux

Ayumi: Holy-


Jin: Are you okay Roux?

Roux: *She faces Jin* I'm fine.

Jin: You don't need to be like that Roux. They're both dead, you can relax now.

Roux: Yeah, I guess you're right. *Just then a giant barrier surrounds the both of them, locking them in.*

Jin: What is that?

Roux: A barrier blocking us from everything happening outside these walls. *Sits down in front of him*

Jin: Incredible, you really are fine then. *Sits down* Whew, what a relief.

Roux: *Suddenly snaps at him* You dumbass! 

Jin: …!

Roux: What the hell were you thinking?! Trying to take all four of them on like that… If I had arrived even a second later you… You're so stupid!

Jin: I don't wanna hear shit from you either! You've got the power to change reality at will, and you watched me fight them! You're the one stupid one! 

Roux: Stupid!

Jin: Idiot!

*They both stand there silently mean mugging each other*

Roux: How could you just go and try to end the war, without any sort of help or backup?

Jin: Why would I wait for help to try and kill people that are trying to kill me and all that I care about?

Roux: That's a horrible excuse!

Jin: You came to help anyway so why are you complaining?!

Roux: Cuz I was scared! What if I wasn't able to get here in time?

Jin: If that's the case, then it's all the good you did!

Roux: Why are you so damn dense?! How could you test me like that?!

Jin: I wasn't trying to!

Roux: Then why not just wait?! 

Jin: Why wait for them to plan out my death?!

*They stand there silently again…*

Roux: You're so selfish… You don't understand how I felt! How much pain I felt watching you get battered and tortured like that, and not being there for you… *She starts breaking down in tears*

Jin: Roux…

Roux: You were the one who gave me a second chance at life… I can't live if you die, my life ends if you do… But even if I could, I don't want to live my life without you. So when it looked like you were going to die, I had to- 

(Play song Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories -La Pace- Extended) *She's stopped by Jin who kisses her swiftly. The two of them stand there awkwardly this time…*

Jin: Even so, you still-

*He's interrupted by Roux who headbutts him*

Roux: Sorry!

Jin: Ow! What was that for?!

Roux: I was trying to give you a kiss!

Jin: Who headbutts someone so violently while trying to kiss them?!

Roux: It was my first kiss!

Jin: *Gasp*

Roux: I wanted it to be more romantic…

Jin: Like you know what romance is…

Roux: Shut up! You're the one who kissed me without asking!

Jin: You've been acting like a tsundere girlfriend this whole time!

Roux: That doesn't mean you can just kiss me!

Jin: Sorry…

Roux: Don't be sorry. It was… nice.

Jin: Huh?

Roux: It was only my first one, but I knew right away. This is what love feels like.

Jin: I'm sorry to have made you worry again Roux.

Roux: And I'm sorry for just snapping on you.

*The two of them come together to embrace in a hug. Suddenly, she yells out in pain and falls to the ground*

Jin: Roux! *He holds her on the ground* Roux, are you alright? *He looks and sees a streak of blood slowly running down both her eyes.* (So this is another toll this power takes on someone…)

Roux: I was able to withstand the pain for a while, but it's too much now.

Jin: We need to get you back to the Blitzwing.

Roux: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Jin: And you keep getting on me about making you worry… You're such a troll.

Roux: Yeah yeah…

*Just then…* (Play Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 1 OST - The Final Showdown!! (Super Strength) (1080p HD)

Baron Hampton: My Lady Shirina! *He breaks free and runs over to her lifeless body* You monsters! What've you done to her?

Jin: Bro what do you mean? She was trying to kill us!

Ayumi: Right! Stop being such a simp!

Baron Hampton: NO! I refuse to live without the love of my life! I'm bringing her back!

Roux: Bring her back how?

Ayumi: Big brother! You better not be thinking of using that technique! 

Baron Hampton: I am! A power that comes from the ancient Sarlen, the ultimate technique! *Does some weird ass hand signs* COME BACK TO LIFE! 

*Just then, Lady Shirina and Graves slowly come back to life, and are now even more extremely powerful! And what's worse, Shenrei has now returned*

Jin: *Gasp*

Roux: Holy shit…


Baron Hampton: Lady Shirina! Thank the Sarlen you're back!

Lady Shirina: *Evil laugh* Thanks to the love Baron has for me, I'm now able to overcome even death itself!

Graves: And, a nice little bonus of this revival… Thanks to his Sarlen powers, we're now even more powerful than before. You are all powerless to stop us now!

Shenrei: You struggled before when neither of us were at full power. What hope do you have now?


Lady Shirina: Now Ayumi, don't get in the way of your brother's desires. Come Baron, come take your place by my side.

Baron Hampton: Yes ma'am! 

*He places himself right next to her. But then… She punches him hard in the stomach, and leaves him gasping for air.*

Lady Shirina: Now SIT like a good boy!

Baron Hampton: Why? 🙁

Lady Shirina: You pathetic excuse of a man. You really think you could ever be loved by me?

Baron Hampton: But but…

Lady Shirina: Now, time for us to finish the job…

(Play song Street Fighter 2 Movie Warm Friendship OST) *The three of them smile confidently, thinking that the fight is already won. They go on the offensive to attack, but Jin and Roux still have enough energy to dodge their attacks.*

Shenrei: So, you've still got enough in you to move? You have spirit, if nothing else.

Roux: Jin, we can't keep this up for much longer.

Jin: Yeah, I know what you mean. Let's go and end this now.

*The two of them throw a punch together, but it's stopped by Shenrei who catches both punches with his hands.*

Shenrei: You fought well. However, this is where it ends.

*Suddenly, three figures are seen flying in hard for a landing. The Principality sees them, and moves away to avoid the attack*


*Sonjo, Khan, and Master Tazz arrive on the scene!

Jin: G-Guys!

Sonjo: Yo Jin, how ya been?

Master Tazz: Let's catch up later. We've got something important to do first.

Khan: Like sending them to hell!

Sonjo: Yeah!

Shenrei: Tch, so you've finally decided to show yourself… Master Tazz.

Master Tazz: Shenrei…

Shenrei: You don't have what it takes to stop me, none of you do!

Graves: And with power to rival that of the Sarlen, victory is as good as ours!

Sonjo: Not if we stop you!

*All of them engage in a staredown and a standoff. This next battle is very likely to change the outcome of the entire war. Who's going to come out on top? Find out when we come back next time!*

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

Narrator: Hey guys! It's me, Baron! This Jin guy and his girlfriend Roux really suck! I can't believe they would try to kill my wife Lady Shirina!


Baron Hampton: She was just testing y'all to make sure you could save the world.

Ayumi: You really are a simp…

Baron Hampton: A simple person indeed. Well, that's all we've got for today. Be sure to tune in to the next episode.

Ayumi: And as always, thank you all for your support. 

Baron Hampton: Next time on NECRO-Driver Dawn, Showdown in the Barren Wasteland! Ooooh I get it, that's pretty funny hehe.

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* GOODBYE!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)