NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 35: Rage Dealt Twofold!

(Stop playing the song) (Meanwhile, Jin has finally stopped and is standing there silently again.)


Rin: Has he said a single word in the last few minutes?

Baron Hampton: Who knows? But our boy Jin has been cooking! Pure flames!

Ayumi: Yeah, I guess you could say he-

Ayumi/Baron Hampton: (In unison) RAISED THE STEAKS!

Shenrei: (Lies on the ground motionless…)

Sonjo: Nice! Looks like he finished things.

Baron Hampton: Ah yeah! All too EASY!

(Just then…)

C: Define "easy" Baron…

(Everyone turns around to see C) (Play song Xehanort - Birth by Sleep- Extended)


Khan: C?! What the hell are you doing here?

C: I came here to lend a hand.

Sonjo: Uhhh, you don't have any hands…

C: Don't be so literal Sonjo.

Rin: Ugh…

Ayumi: Eeeew you…

C: Ah yes, the inferior Sarlen, and the damaged.

Rin: Rather be damaged than a bitch.

Ayumi: Rather be inferior than a total creep!

Sonjo: Sheesh…

Khan: Yo, is there some sort of grudge between you too Ayumi? I mean I can get why Rin would have one, but you've really only been hostile towards Lady Shirina until now.

Ayumi: It's because C is the worst one of them all! He's never treated me with the respect I deserve.

C: Because you deserve none.

Master Tazz: Just your appearance alone is causing problems. If you're really here to lend a hand, you'd better do it quickly. 

C: Indeed… *C begins moving forward…

Khan: What's he doing?

Sonjo: I don't know… Hey C? You lose your sense of direction or something? You're supposed to be lending us a hand.

Ayumi: What do you think you're doing?

C: *Positions himself next to the motionless Shenrei* I said I was here to lend a hand. I never said who I was lending it to…

Baron Hampton: Now I know I'm the last person who should be saying this, but you better not! I know exactly what you're thinking, DON'T DO IT!

C: Or else what Baron? You've all been ungrateful to me. You all forget that without me, none of you would be here.

Khan: That goes both ways ya know…

C: The Sarlen only remain because of me. You all only received your powers because of me. Project VP? The wars? Everything is all because of me. And yet despite all of that, you've all done no better than I have. No matter how much you all want to deny it, you're just as guilty as I am.

Jin: (Are you following this?)

Roux: (Not at all. I thought Lady Shirina was crazy, he's making her look completely normal.)

C: I had hoped that my work behind the scenes would've been enough for the Principality to defeat you all. But it seems they weren't able to get the job done. 

Sonjo: What do you mean?!

C: Amazing how you've come so far, and still understand nothing… Why do you think they always knew your plans? Were always able to keep up with you even after all of your training? 

Ayumi: You rotten!-

Master Tazz: Well, you're full of surprises.

C: So sorry to disappoint you all. I know how much you love your games, but the games will cease now. Because you wretched ingrates continue to defy and resist me… You'll now see the ultimate power from the ultimate Sarlen!

Sonjo: Was that sarcasm?

C: Disrespectful as always… I'll have to remember that after my divine perfection takes place.

Khan: Bruh…

*C transfers his entire spirit into Shenrei. He slowly but surely submerges himself further and further, until he his completely merged with Shenrei*

Baron Hampton: HUH?!

Rin: Okay, what the hell is going on here?!


Baron Hampton: Ayumi! Look away!

(Play song Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: INT LR Merged Zamasu Intro OST (Extended) (A bright flash emanates from around the two of them, blinding everyone in the area temporarily. They are covered in a divine light, as they ascend into the air. What was once C and Shenrei is now revealing itself as something new. Something more terrifying, something more elegant, something more… divine…)

Zen: I am divinity given form. I am justice. I am the world! Now behold… a most elegant entity. Venerate him… Worship him… Revere him… The most noble… beautiful… invincible… supreme… divine… Zen.

(Everyone looks in awe as Zen continues to tower above them in the air. This unholy combination has just been revealed right before their very eyes. C has finally revealed his true colors, and it looks like nothing, no one will be able to stop him…) (Stop playing the song)

Baron Hampton: This looks bad…

Ayumi: He's really powered up! 

Baron Hampton: C and Shenrei did some type of weird fusion!

Sonjo: Fusion?

Khan: Like the ones from DBZ?

Baron Hampton: Exactly! And if they're anything like the ones from that show, we're in big trouble!

Ayumi: We may all need to chip in for this one. 

Sonjo: Ehh I don't know… I feel like I can take on this "fusion" by myself.

Everyone: (In unison) SONJO!

Sonjo: ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! Sheesh, you don't have to yell… Let's go Khan.

Khan: Right.

Master Tazz: I'll go with you.

Khan: What? You're fighting too?

Master Tazz: Whoever this "Zen" being is, he still possesses Shenrei in him. No matter what, I cannot allow my former disciple to cause any more chaos in the world. 

Sonjo: Well alright! Let's get it going!

(The three of them begin walking forward, until they are all side by side with Jin…)

Ayumi: Unbelievable folks! This is truly a sight I'd thought I'd never see! Jin, Khan, Sonjo, and Master Tazz all getting ready to fight side by side. This looks like it'll be a battle for the ages! A battle of fate!

Baron Hampton: Nice work on the commentary Ayumi.

Ayumi: Thanks!

(Play song Showdown at Hollow Bastion - Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX)


Sonjo: Jin, you good?

Jin: I will be once I kill him.

Khan: Then we're all in agreement on what needs to be done?

Master Tazz: Yes, we are. 

Zen: Heh… I guess you four are ready to die. 

Sonjo: I guess so. *He materializes his bo staff*

(The four of them power up to their max!)

Jin: Alright, let's do it!

(The four of them all charge at Zen getting ready to attack. It's incredible that such a being has come to exist where it's taking four of our heroes at once to try and defeat him. Will they be able to defeat him? Find out next time!)

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

Narrator: Hey guys! It's me, Baron! Okay, what the hell just happened?! Who or what is Zen?

Ayumi: It seems to be some sort of fusion between C and Shenrei…

Baron Hampton: Fusion? Like the ones from DBZ?

Ayumi: It certainly looks that way, big brother. And if they're anything like the ones from DBZ, then we're all in BIG trouble.

Baron Hampton: DAARRRN TOOTIN! We need to find a way to get rid of this Zen thing, before it ruins the series!

Ayumi: Like we're gonna let that happen!

Baron Hampton: Well, that's all we have time for today. As always, thanks for the support-

Ayumi: And we'll see you next time!

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: (In unison) Goodbye!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)